5. 健康 Health

8.1. ふとした気づき


玄米が好きなので、基本は週末に土鍋で炊いて冷凍しておき、平日のランチに持参するのが理想です。 とはいえ、億劫でコンビニを利用することも少なくありません。 コンビニでも自分を許せるのは、炊きたて玄米を提供してくれるミニストップが会社の近くにあ...
6. やってみよう Lifestyle


初めて半熟たまごの味噌漬けを作ったら、驚異の旨さで幸福度が一気に上がったもんざです。 ここのところ何年も私はお気に入りのお味噌をお取り寄せしているのですが、「別にスーパーのお味噌でも良いんじゃないかな?」と、ふと思うことがあり、製法や原材料...
食 Eating Habit

delicious Cuisine of Iran, Turkey, Uzbekistan

--- Before the Revise --- Title: delicious Cuisine of Iran, Turkey, Uzbekistan My friend took me to the famous Turkish r...
食 Eating Habit

Dishes and literature in Russian

In November 1880, Dostoevsky accomplished one of his masterpieces. He wanted to write another story continuing the story...
食 Eating Habit

Electric appliance for making yogurt.

I finally bought a machine which can make yogurt and Amazake. For the longest time, I’ve been hesitating to buy it becau...
食 Eating Habit


食 Eating Habit

It’s food culture.

"HAMAGURI" is my most favorite clam. I searched the name of HAMAGURI in English because I'm curious what they call. It c...
8. Trial&Error

I helped to order dishes for Spanish travelers.

My favorite restaurant is near my office. They serve affordable fried pork “Tonkatsu” and rice and free soup. It was 14:...
7. 学び Learning

By some amazing coincidence (Part1)

This world is made up of some amazing coincidences. One day I talked about alcohol with my English tutor because I wrote...
食 Eating Habit

The Japanese Sake for beginners

======== Before Revise ======== Title:The beginner of Japanese sake. "Jyozen-mizuno-gotoshi" is name of Japanese sake. W...