食 Eating Habit

食 Eating Habit

Electric appliance for making yogurt.

I finally bought a machine which can make yogurt and Amazake. For the longest time, I’ve been hesitating to buy it becau...
食 Eating Habit


食 Eating Habit

It’s food culture.

"HAMAGURI" is my most favorite clam.I searched the name of HAMAGURI in English because I'm curious what they call.It cal...
食 Eating Habit

I helped to order dishes for Spanish travelers.

My favorite restaurant is near my office. They serve affordable fried pork “Tonkatsu” and rice and free soup. It was 14:...
8. Trial&Error

By some amazing coincidence (Part1)

This world is made up of some amazing coincidences. One day I talked about alcohol with my English tutor because I wrote...
食 Eating Habit

The Japanese Sake for beginners

========Before Revise========Title:The beginner of Japanese sake."Jyozen-mizuno-gotoshi" is name of Japanese sake. When ...
食 Eating Habit

Aramasa brewery

I participated in festival of Japanese sake at kanda shrine in October 2014. The day was rainy and cold autumn day. Howe...
7. 学び Learning

Drinking with my friends is also important

I went to a Japanese style Bar (Izakaya) with my friend after doing voluntary Capoeira training.The voluntary training i...
食 Eating Habit

The barbecue was fun, but I’m a little depressed.

Last Sunday, I went to the yokosuka US naval base for a barbecue with my capoeira friends.A member of our group working ...


いただいたお味噌があまりにも美味しかったので、お店をネットで探して追加で注文してしまったもんざです。長野県の【山吹味噌 すや久】さんです。汁物だけでなく、キュウリなどの野菜につけて、そのまま食べても美味しいと思います。健康な生活の基本は『食...