食 Eating Habit8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning

The Japanese Sake for beginners

食 Eating Habit

Before Revise
Title:The beginner of Japanese sake.
“Jyozen-mizuno-gotoshi” is name of Japanese sake. When I was younger this sake was my favorite one.  It’s famous and popular for woman. The taste is for the beginner. If you come to Japan, you can easily to get it.

Shirataki sake brewery’s website wrote this sake’s concept was proverb from Lao-tze. (Lao-tze is ancient philosopher in China.) “Jyozen-mizuno-gotoshi” It means that the most ideal life is like a water. The brewery said “The best Sake is close to pure water”. Therefore I recommend this for the beginner of Japanese sake. (533 words)
