8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning食 Eating Habit8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective

The barbecue was fun, but I’m a little depressed.

8. Trial&Error

Last Sunday, I went to the yokosuka US naval base for a barbecue with my capoeira friends.

A member of our group working at the navy base invited us.
3 capoeira groups joined the barbecue.
I ate a lot of ribs, stakes, pizza, and cakes.

Of course, we enjoyed doing capoeira together.
But I gained 2 kilos so I was very surprised.
So I’m a little depressed.



Last sunday, I went to the yokosuka US navy base for BBQ with my capoeira friends.

A member of our group working at the navy base invited us.
3 capoeira groups joined the BBQ.
I ate a lot of meat, and pizza, cakes.

Of course, we enjoyed capoeira together.
But I gained the weight for too much ate.
So I’m still depressing…
