8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning6. やってみよう Lifestyle食 Eating Habit

By some amazing coincidence (Part1)

8. Trial&Error

This world is made up of some amazing coincidences. One day I talked about alcohol with my English tutor because I wrote about Japanese Sake in my blog. “Do you know Absinthe? It’s made from wormwood. I want to try that.” He showed me Wikipedia’s information about it.

I saw some photos of that beautiful green alcohol and a lit sugar cube on top of the glass. Absinthe has an interesting history. Many famous artists got addicted to absinthe, and eventually died. I didn’t know that before. My curiosity ordered me to search for more information Immediately. I searched the internet because I wanted to taste it. But I couldn’t find it.

A few days later I attended a monthly book club meeting. “Have you ever drunk Absinthe? Where do I get to drink it? I want to drink a cocktail which uses it” I asked some members. “You need to go to the Imperial Hotel’s bar. It’s absolutely the right decision. They have everything,” someone answered, “Of course it costs a lot.” “The imperial Hotel? That is too expensive for me. I will search another way. ”

However, the next day during the book club meeting, another member gave me Facebook message. He found a specialty bar of absinthe in Tokyo. It has an affordable price on their website. “Do you want to go?” he asked me. “Why not?” I replied.

We decided to meet at the bar, called “Vanilla Var”, after work at 19:00. But I had overtime so I arrived at the bar 10 minutes late. The bar was in an off-street in Ginza. The area outside the bar was dark. The wooden heavy door was closed, and there were no windows. I also could not see the inside of the bar. I was a little scared if my friend wouldn’t be there when I opened the door. But I was soon relieved. He was already waiting for me inside.

(To be continue Part 2)
(329 words)

Before Revised Version

This world was made by some amazing coincidence.
One day I talked about alcohol with my English tutor. Because I wrote Japanese Sake in my blog. “Do you know Absinthe? It made from wormwood. I want to try that.” He showed me the Wikipedia’s explaining.

I saw some photos that beautiful green alcohol and a fired sugar on the glass. The absinthe has an interesting history. Many famous artists addicted the absinthe, and they died. I didn’t have that knowledge before. My curiosity ordered me to search more information Immediately. I searched an internet because I want to drink that. But I couldn’t find it.

A few days later I attended monthly book club meeting. “Did you drink Absinthe? Where do I go to drink that? I want to drink the Cocktail which used. ” I asked some members. “You will go to an Imperial Hotel’s bar. It’s absolutely right decision. They have everything.” Someone answered, “Of course it takes a cost.” “An imperial Hotel? That is too expensive for me. I will search another way. ”

However, the next day of the book club meeting, another member gave me facebook message. He found the specialty Bar of Absinthe in Tokyo. It’s affordable price on their website. “Do you want to go?” he asked me. “Why not?”
I replied.

We decided to meet at the bar,The name is “Vanilla Var”, after work at 19:00. But I had overtime. I arrived at the bar 10minutes late the promise time. The bar was off-street in Ginza. The outside was dark. The wooden heavy door was closed, and there was no window. I could not see the inside of the bar. I was a little scared if my friend didn’t there when I opened the door. But I was relief sooner. He was waiting me inside already.

(To be continue Part 2)
(304 words)
