7. 学び Learning8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective8. Trial&Error

If I cannot talk to people, I will die


I listened to the 273rd episode of my favorite podcast which is about the human genome. The guest speaker is Professor Shimizu who is researching the human genome. He said eventually latched onto this study when he was a university student. He has been working at Iwate medical university since 4 years ago. He joined a project that researches the relationship between DNA and lifestyle. He collected the blood sample from more than 150,000 participants while also asking them to fill up a questionnaire where they talk about their lifestyle.He compared the lifestyle of each person and checked their DNA sequences. He wants to identify the association between lifestyle and genome sequence and cause of the disease. Humans have been kneeling in front of the altar and praying since ancient times whenever they wanted to know the cause of disease. However, if he can identify the cause, people may kneel in front of this secret knowledge in the future.
The esteemed Professor Shimizu leaked how improved his English speaking skill in this interview. He said when he attended his first conference in the US, he didn’t speak English very well. However, he found a good way to improve his skill. If somebody was sitting alone, he also sat beside the person and tried to talk with them in English. He did an interesting self- suggestion to himself at that time. “If I cannot talk with a person, I will die.” This episode incredibly inspired me. If I need some courage, I will use the same thing.

Before Revise

Title: If I can not talk with the person, I will die.
I heard #273 of my favorite podcast which the topic is human genome. The guest speaker is Professor Shimizu who is researching genome.
He has latched onto the study since university student.
Now he belongs Iwate medical university before 4 years ago. He joining a project which is research to DNA and lifestyle.
He can collect from more than 150,000 participants which blood sample, questionnaire, the document that they write something of a lifestyle.
He compared to the lifestyle of each person and can check DNA and epigenetic sequence. He wants to try to identify the association between lifestyle and genome sequence and cause of the disease. Human has been kneeling in front of the altar and praying since ancient whenever they wanted to know the cause of disease.
However, if he will identify the cause, people may kneel in front of the secret knowledge in the future.
My esteemed Professor Shimizu leaked how to improve his English speaking skill in this interview. He said when he attended the first conference in the USA, he didn’t speak well in English. However, he found a good way to improve his skill.
If somebody had sat alone, he had also sat beside the person and tried to talk in English. He did interesting self- suggestion his own at that time.
“If I can not talk with the person, I will die.” This episode incredibly inspired me. If I need some courage, I will use the same way.

words to practice: leak, latch, kneel.
