Learning Languageふとした気づきTrial&Error

Should I take a mammogram?


Should I take a mammogram? I understand that it is recommended that I get screened for breast cancer but reserving a slot for a mammogram is bothersome. My city health center sent me a postcard it is a discount ticket for the mammogram. If I take a mammogram using this ticket, my total medical expense would be 920 yen. This is about one-tenth of the normal expense. It’s good value but I hesitate to do it, because I experienced the screening 6 years ago and it was very painful.

However, I heard a story from my friend that her employee found out that she had breast cancer during a recent screening. If her employee can totally remove the tumor on her breast, she can live. My friend looked so exhausted because she had to find another worker to replace the worker with breast cancer. She strongly recommended I undergo early screening for breast cancer. I explained to her that my family didn’t have a history of cancer. She refuted that her employee’s family didn’t have a history of cancer.

Actually, I have always distrusted the screening. The reason is simple. My father-in-law regularly had a lot of cancer screenings but he died at 65. I guess the screening is a form of consolation. I’m torn if it’s some kind of money-making scheme in the Japanese health care industry. Am I wrong? I still can’t decide to take it.

Title:Should I take a breast cancer screening?
Should I take a breast cancer screening? I understand that fact, but reserving screening is bothersome. My city health center sent me a postcard; that is a discount ticket to take some health screening. If I take mammography screening by this ticket, my medical expense is 920 yen. The cost is about one-tenth of the total expense. It’s good value but I hesitate to do that, because I experienced the screening it was so painful about 6 years ago.

However, I heard the story from my friend that her employee found a breast cancer at the screening recently. If her employee takes total extirpation on her breast, she can alive. My friend looked so exhausted because she has to find another worker instead patient. She strongly recommended me that early detection of cancer. I explain to her that my family didn’t have the cancer gene. She refuted that the patient also didn’t have cancer pedigree.

Actually, I have distrusted the screening. The reason is simple. My father in law took much screening regularly but he died at 65 years old. I guess the screening is mere consolation. I doubt it’s some kind of money-making system in the Japanese health care industry. In my thought is wrong? I cannot still decide to take.
