7. 学び Learning8.1. ふとした気づき8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective8. Trial&Error

Communication is not just language.


Communication is Not Just Language. Language is important, but trying to understand is more important. Somehow I misunderstood that before. Now I re-recognized that it takes effort to understand another’s personality if I would like to have a good relationship with them.

For example, I watched an old movie titled “Pushing Hands” that was made in Taiwan in 1992. It’s a story of family where the Chinese son Alex, brought his father from China to the USA. The main character is the father, Mr.chu, a 70 year-old teacher of Tai-chi. He can’t speak English. His daughter-in-law Martha, is an American novelist who doesn’t understand Chinese. She can’t accept the idea of living with Mr. Chu. Mr. Chu sometimes tried to have a good relationship with Martha, but she refused.

If I were her what would I have done? I would’ve learned Tai-chi, Chinese cooking, calligraphy, and Chinese from him. He is really charismatic and wise for an old person so I couldn’t understand how Martha felt. Maybe its Confucian idea of respecting elders that has a strong influence on me.

I have a feeling that It’s hard for somebody to live somewhere where the language is not their mother tongue. Communication is not just language. Gestures and attitudes are also good communication tools to share one’s thoughts with another person.

Title:Communication is not language.

A Language is important, but try to understand is more important. Sometimes I misunderstand that before. Now I re-recognized that needs to effort to understand the personality if I would like to make a good relationship.

For example, I watched an old movie “Pushing Hands” that made in Taiwan in 1992. It’s a family story that the Chinese son, Alex took his father from china to the USA.
The Main character is the father, Mr.chu, his age is 70, he is a teacher of Tai-chi. He can’t speak English. His daughter-in-law, Martha is American, she can’t understand Chinese, she is a novelist. She can’t accept him with living together.

Mr.chu sometimes try to a good relationship, but she refused. If I were her what did I do? I will learn Taichi, Chinese cooking, Calligraphy, Chinese from him. he is really attractive elder wise person. So I couldn’t understand her feeling. Maybe the Confucianism effect me, It need to respect to an elder.

I have an imagination, It’s easy to understand that It’s hard to somebody living where the language is not the mother tongue. Communication is not the only language. Gesture and attitude are also good communication tools if I have the thoughts that I want to know more that person.
