9. 読書会(勉強会) 16/9/30(金)勉強会まで13日 どうしたら自分の感じたことや考えたことをうまく言葉に置き換えられるのかな、とモヤモヤしているもんざです。「とうもろこしの島」というグルジア紛争を背景にした映画を見ました。ほとんど台詞がないドキュメンタリーのような映画でした。私は見て良かった... 2016.09.30 9. 読書会(勉強会)カウントダウンコラム
9. 読書会(勉強会) 16/9/29(木)勉強会まで14日 今朝6:45にシンガポール航空で到着するオーストラリア支部のカポエイラの先生を羽田空港までお迎えに行ったのですが、自分の英会話の瞬発力のなさに凹みまくったもんざです。。。言葉の力。。。もっと欲しい。。。第63回池袋勉強会の2週間前になりまし... 2016.09.29 9. 読書会(勉強会)カウントダウンコラム
8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective BY SOME AMAZING COINCIDENCE (PART2) I explained my aim why I visited the bar to Vanilla Var’s master. He was a really polite and gentle. I asked him several... 2016.09.27 8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning
8. Trial&Error English for Journalism Unit 4: Assessment 2: You must assess 3 peer responses Did the speaker attempt to respond to the challenge? (1) No attempt was made. (2) The speaker tries to respond to the ch... 2016.09.26 8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning6. やってみよう Lifestyle8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective
6. やってみよう Lifestyle By some amazing coincidence (Part1) This world is made up of some amazing coincidences. One day I talked about alcohol with my English tutor because I wrote... 2016.09.24 6. やってみよう Lifestyle食 Eating Habit8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning
6. やってみよう Lifestyle English for Journalism: Unit 4, Assessment 2: Present Your Script English for Journalism: Unit 4, Assessment 2: Present Your ScriptAssigned by Michael SullivanRespond to the challengeTak... 2016.09.22 6. やってみよう Lifestyle8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning
8. Trial&Error English for Journalism: Unit 4, Assessment 1: Rewrite your article as a copy for a broadcast Assessment 1: Rewrite your article as a copy for a broadcast1. Detailed Instructions:Rewrite your article as a copy for ... 2016.09.21 8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning
8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective Don’t Stand the Pain (Part2) I went an osteopathic clinic 3 times for 3 days. In the end, I decided to go to an orthopedic surgeon because I was anxi... 2016.09.20 8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective7. 学び Learning
8. Trial&Error Postpone the transfer of the Tsukiji Market / Assessment 2 Postpone the Transfer of the Tsukiji MarketBy: Masae Shibasaki, ContributorNew Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike decided to po... 2016.09.17 8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning
8. Trial&Error Postpone the transfer of the Tsukiji Market / assessment 1 New Tokyo governor Yuriko Koike decided to postpone the transfer of the Tsukiji Wholesale Market to its new location in ... 2016.09.17 8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning