8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective7. 学び Learning7. Travel

Snail on the pavement





I resisted taking a (1)cat nap during a heavy thunderstorm one afternoon in Singapore. “Why I didn’t buy those books this morning?” I thought to myself. “Why did I hesitate to buy it? If the rain would just stopped, I could go to the bookstore “Books Actuary” again. When I lived in Japan, I could buy and read many books. However, my situation has changed now and its not that easy to choose books from the many selections now that I’m living in the Philippines. A Japanese bookstore clerk once posted a memorable tweet that many of her followers retweeted: Don’t think that you can buy that book later because many books immediately stop being printed, published and just disappear. Books are the same as fresh food. Don’t hesitate if you don’t want to regret. I highly agree with her opinion, but my budget and space are limited. If I were to buy everything, I’ll go bankrupt. It’s a (3)catch 22 situation. 
The blue sky and strong winds pushed away from the gray clouds little by little. While I searching for a folding umbrella, I asked my nephews, aged 13 and 17, “Do you want to come with me to the bookstore?” They stopped playing video games and replied yes. I didn’t precisely know what things interest them, especially my elder nephew. When we arrived at the bookstore, I told them I’ll buy them any book they wanted. After an hour I struggled choosing what books to buy, then I finally chose a philosophical book, but they didn’t find anything they wanted. I didn’t know why they came with me because they wouldn’t (2)let the cat out of the bag.
However, they escorted me to another bookstore because I said I want to go there. They also didn’t want to buy anything there. The thunderstorm was completely gone, and it became sunny again. I was surprised when I found a big snail on the pavement. They laughed at me for showing aversion to it. I’ll never forget that peaceful ambiance I spent with them on the last day of 2018.


Before the Revision

I resisted taking a (1)cat nap under thunders and heavily rainy sky afternoon in Singapore. Why I didn’t buy those books this morning? I only thought that things. Why I hesitated to buy? If the rain would be stopped, I must go to the bookstore “Books Actuary” again. When I lived in Japan, I could buy and read many books. However, my situation now changed that it’s not easy to choose books from many selections. Because I now live in the Philippines. A Japanese bookstore clerk tweeted, many people followed her and retweeted the memorable phrase of me; Don’t think that you can buy the book later. because many books immediately stop printing, publishing and disappear. Books are the same as fresh food. Don’t hesitate to buy if you don’t want to regret. I highly agree with her opinion, but my budget and space are limited to buy all the books what I want to buy. If I were bought those, I’ll bankrupt. It’s a (3)catch 22 situation. 

The blue sky and strong wind pushed away gray clouds on the sky little by little. While I searching for a folding umbrella, “Do you want to come with me to the bookstore?” I asked two nephews. They stopped video gaming and replied yes. 13 and 17. I didn’t know correctly what things they interesting in, especially the second boy. When we arrived at the bookstore, I told them I’ll buy books to yours if you’ll find a favorite one. About 1 hour I struggled to select books, then I finally chose a philosophical book, but they didn’t find. I didn’t know why they came with me because they didn’t (2)let the cat out of the bag.

However, they escorted me to another bookstore because I said I want to go. They also didn’t say want to buy anything there. The thunderstorm was completely gone, the sunshine again. I was surprised when I found a big snail on the pavement. They laughed at me who hate it. I’ll never forget that peaceful ambiance I spend with them on the last day of 2018.


(1)cat nap: If you have a short sleep during the day, you have a cat nap.
(e.g.) “My dad often has a cat nap on a Sunday afternoon.”
(2)let the cat out of the bag: If you let the cat out of the bag, you reveal a secret, generally not intentionally.
(e.g.) “When the child told her grandmother about the plans for her birthday, she let the cat out of the bag.”
(3) catch 22: A catch 22 situation refers to a frustrating situation where you cannot do one thing without doing a second, and you cannot do the second before doing the first.
(e.g.) “I can’t get a job without a work permit, and I can’t get a work permit without a job. It’s a catch 22 situation!”
