8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning

80 times!

8. Trial&Error

The book club which I’ve been organizing since 2011 recently finished it’s 80th session in March. I didn’t imagine I could (1)deal with it for such a long time when I initially (3-3)dug into it. I only hold meetings once a month. I promised myself that I’ll continue to write a short essay every day that’s related to the assigned book of the month for 2 weeks before the day of the book club meeting. I call it “my countdown columns”. It somewhat similar to an advent calendar. I share it with the attendees on the Facebook secret group. Nowadays, I also share the data on my blog. My motivation for doing it has (2)died down compared to when I first (3-3)dug it into. However, I don’t need to dig for a reason to find a sense of recovery. I’m just (4)biding my time and wait for inspiration.

Before the Revise

Title: 80 times!
The book club which I’ve been organized since 2011 finished 80 times in this March. I didn’t imagine I could (1)deal with it for such a long time when I (3-3)dug into it. I only hold it once a month. I promised myself that I’ll continue to write a short essay every day that related an assignment book of the month since 2 weeks before the book club meeting day. I call it “my countdown columns”. Because of its roles like as an advent calendar. I’ll share it with my attendees on the Facebook secret group. Nowadays, I also share the data on my blog. My motivation for holding it (2)died down compared when I (3-3)dug it into. However, I don’t need to dig into my correct reason for a sense of recovery. I’m just (4)biding my time that it comes to my inspiration.

(1)deal with: Handle, take care of, address (problem, situation).
(e.g.)”The manager is good at dealing with difficult customers.”
(2)die down: Calm down, become less strong.
(e.g.)”When the applause died down, she started to sing.”
(3)dig into:
(3-1)Plunge your hands deep inside something, especially to look for something.
(e.g.)”He dug into his pocket and found the key.”
(3-2)Press hard into something.
(e.g.)”The strap of her bag dug painfully into her shoulder.”
(3-3)Start to do something.
(e.g.)”It was time to dig into the work that had accumulated on her desk.”
(3-4)Take from something.
(e.g.)”Dad had to dig into his savings to repair the roof.”
(4)bide your time: If you bide your time, you wait for a good opportunity to do something.
(e.g.)He’s not hesitating, he’s just biding his time, waiting for the price to drop.
