ふとした気づきふりかえりTrial&ErrorLearning Language益Useful













[2]^16世紀、ブラジルの黒人奴隷が生んだとされるリズミカルな伝統武術が、日本でも人気。ダイエット目的の女性や格闘技好きの人などが、教室やサークルに入会している。格闘技とダンスの中間的なもので、弦楽器ビリンバウなどの伴奏にあわせて行う。勝ち負けはなく、足技を中心に、相手に打撃を与えないように技を披露する。(”カポエイラ[新語流行語]”, 情報・知識 imidas 2018, JapanKnowledge, (参照 2021-08-14))

[3] ^Studyplus「学ぶ喜びをすべての人へ」:Studyplusは学ぶきっかけをつくり学びに寄り添うプラットフォーム

COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines

Exercise and learn whenever and wherever you can. It’s for your own good.

I checked my videos and realised again my weaknesses. After the Covid-19 restrictions started, I resumed my capoeira practice. Because the teacher who used to take care of me would give me classes only twice a month on ZOOM. Due to the increase in delta-variants infections, Metro Manila was closed to dining inside restaurants until August 20th, and shops that are not essential for daily life, such as clothing shops, barber/beauty shops and gyms, were closed. The same thing happened again and again, and I feel a sense of resignation and stagnation is slowly hurting my body and mind. (I am grateful enough not to have lost my job yet…) In 2020, I still had the mental space to enjoy new experiences, but with the sense of uncertainty, that space is gradually disappearing.

What helps me is my daily exercise routine and my motivation to learn things like English. Using Min-challe apps (it helps making good habits!) and Capoeira trainings are the only things that keep me motivated to keep exercising and studying, and Studyplus apps is also a big help!

With Capoeira, the teacher shares the recordings of lessons with me. I will be able to see clearly that my knee of the leg I am kicking is not extended, that my arm is wobbly and uncool, that my center of gravity is high and I am out of balance. In my mind, I think I’ve got it all under control, but when I look at it objectively, the problem is obvious.

I used to be too embarrassed to watch my own lesson videos, but since I’ve come to realise that not being able to face reality is much more embarrassing, I’ve started to watch them even if I don’t want to. (The problem is that I still haven’t got to that point in my language learning…) And what I’ve noticed is that when I do, I can see what I’m missing and what I need to do, so I feel a little less frustrated, like I’m spinning in circles in the same place. And the process of getting better and better is the most exciting and enjoyable.

It’s impossible to control the situation of the pandemic for me. It is better to think about what I can do in the current situation to keep myself mentally and physically healthy. I still don’t know when the pandemic would be over, but I hope I can continue with my little habits to strengthen myself.
