8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning

Slip Up


It’s not easy to recognize your own (1)slip ups. When I was young, I lied and tricked my sister because I preferred playing with my friend than her. I didn’t want to play with her. She realized my lie and angrily shouted, “You’re stubborn! Stupid!”. However, she didn’t go on being angry and we soon (4)buried the hatchet. I didn’t think I was wrong at that time, but it’s not a good attitude. It’s one of my childhood memories. Now I’ve become older, I have to (3)sort out more complicated situations. I think I am a good person, but sometimes I (1)slip up especially after drinking too much. For instance, I became a little rude, and angered my friend. Now I learned from that experience. I have to make sure that I have the same amount of water with alcohol to (2)sober up if I want to drink. It prevents any trouble.

Before the Revision

Title: Slip up

It’s not easy to recognize to (1)slip up own. When I was younger, I told a lie and tricked my sister because I preferred to play with my friend than her. I didn’t want to play with her. She realized my lie and angrily shouted, “You’re stubborn! Stupid!”. However, her anger did not continue, We (4)buried the hatchet soon. I didn’t think I’m wrong at that time, but it’s not so good attitude. It’s childhood memory. Now I became old, I have to (3)sort out a more complicated situation. I think I am a good person, but sometimes I (1)slip up especially after too much drink. For instance, I became a rude attitude, my friend was angry. Now I learned from that experience. I have to drink water the same amount alcohol to (2)sober up if I want to drink. It prevents trouble.

(1)slip up: Make a mistake.
(e.g) “You slipped up there! His name is Alex, not Alan!”
(2)sober up: Get rid of the effects of too much alcohol.
(e.g) “Jack decided to go for a long walk to sober up.”
(3)sort out: Organise, resolve a problem.
(e.g) “There was a misunderstanding but Lea sorted it out.”
“Students should sort out their books at the end of the school year.”
(4)bury the hatchet: When people who have had a disagreement decide to forget their quarrel and become friends again, they bury the hatchet.
(e.g) I didn’t agree with my colleague’s decision, but for the sake of peace, I decided to bury the hatchet.

In this article, I try to appropriate use 4 phrasal verbs(No.1~4) in this article which I write my daily life and thoughts because I’m learning English. This is one of writing training.
