8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning

Exploitation Through Rewards


A doctor (1)told the Japanese Olympic Committee (JOC) off for not paying the fees of the medical care doctors for the 2020 Olympics. She (3)thought it over and said that it is exploitation disguised as a reward which is widely spread in Japan. Why does the Japanese government or organizations hesitate to pay a legitimate labor cost? It is because they know clever techniques.
Some kinds of jobs don’t have a high salary, since it might offer some other reward; the organization or a coworker needs your help, and you can support them. That will elevate your value along with your feeling of self realization in the company. Even if you can’t meet your target salary, you can still win your boss’ or coworker’s approval.
If a company utilizes peer pressure, exploitation disguised as rewards is easy to achieve. That has already been (2)tested out with some research.
A team member will be (4)in cahoots with a specific co-worker, they will monitor other members to raise productivity. In the short term, It will be effective, but it will bring ruin to the organization in the long term since it disregards human rights which are fundamental and essential.

Before the Revision

Title: An Exploitation of Rewarding

A doctor (1)told the Japanese Olympic Committee (JOC) off for would not pay a fee of the medical care doctors in 2020 Olympic. She (3)thought over it’s an exploitation disguised as rewarding which widely spread in Japan. Why Japanese government or organization hesitate to pay a legitimate labor cost on workers? Because they know clever techniques.
Some kind of job doesn’t have a high salary, but it gives some other reward; the organization or coworker needs your help, you can support them. That will bring your value. thus, you feel self realization in the company. Even if you can’t satisfy your salary, but you can win boss or coworker’s approval.
If a company creates a peer pressure, exploitation disguised as rewarding is easy to achieve. That already (2)tested out with some research.
The team member will be (4)in cahoots with a specific co-worker, they monitoring other members for raising productivity. In the short term, It will effect, but it will bring ruin to the organization in the long term. because it lacks human right fundamentally and essentially.

Before the Revision

A doctor (1)told the Japanese Olympic Committee (JOC) off for would not pay a fee of the medical care doctors in 2020 Olympic. She (3)thought over it’s an exploitation rewarding which widely spread in Japan. It means the government or some organization hesitate to pay a legitimate labor cost based on worker trapped in self-realization. If a manager creates peer consciousness of coworker’s agreeableness, it not difficult to achieve. That already (2)tested out with some research. If the manager were (4)in cahoots with a specific subordinate, that Preferential treatment will bring ruin in the organization.

(1)tell off: Reprimand; criticise severely
“The teacher told her off for not doing her homework.”
(2)test out: Carry out an experiment.
“The theory hasn’t been tested out yet.”
(3)think over: Consider something fully.
“I’ll have to think over your proposal before I decide.”
(4)in cahoots with someone: If one person is in cahoots with another, they are working in close partnership, usually conspiring to do something dishonest.
“There was a rumour that the Mayor was in cahoots with a chain of supermarkets”

In this article, I try to appropriate use 4 phrasal verbs(No.1~4) in this article which I write my daily life and thoughts because I’m learning English. This is one of writing training.
