8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning

Stop Burying Your Head in the Sand.


Challenges are not easy because it always has some form of risk, but if I could allow the prospect of risk to (1)sink in, I don’t need to be afraid of the challenge so much.
When I was younger, I always loved to read fantasy novels which immediately took me to another world. Sometimes I don’t get to sleep and forget meals until I’ve finished reading an addictive book. At that time I didn’t realize, but it was a way for me to (4)bury my head in the sand.
Nowadays, my common way of escape from the realities of life is (2)sleeping in. Reading books are still helpful for me, but sleepiness always wins over the will to read. Once, when (3)I slept over at my friend’s house, we drank alcohol and complained a lot. That was also one form of escaping from stress. However, I feel it was an excuse to stop thinking deeply of what the real problem was. Too much reading, too much sleeping, too much drinking. That behavior solves nothing. I cannot escape the real world. Stop burying your head in the sand, focus on what the problem is and search for a solution. If the solution seems risky and challenging, I’ll find a balance between my options that make me happy.

Before the Revision

Title: Stop bury head in the sand.

Challenge is not easy because it has a risk. but if I can (1)sink in the prospect of risks, I don’t need afraid the challenge so much.
When I was younger, I always loved to read a fantasy novel which took me another world immediately. I sometimes didn’t need to sleep and forgot meals until I finished to read the addictive book. At that time I didn’t realize that It’s (4)buried my head in the sand.
Nowadays, My common way of escape from the reality of life is (2)sleep in. Reading books are still helpful for me, but sleepness always wins the will of reading. When (3)I slept over at my friend’s home, we drank alcohol and complained a lot. That was also one of the escapes from stress. However, it was the excuse to stop thinking deeply what is a real problem. Too much reading, too much sleeping, too much drinking. That behavior solves nothing. I cannot escape the real world. Stop bury head in the sand, Focus what is the problem and search the key to a solution. If the solution seems risky and challenging, I’ll balance which choices make me happy.

(1)sink in: Be fully understood.
“In spite of the detailed news reports, it took a while for the scale of the disaster to sink in.”
(2)sleep in: Sleep later than usual.
“Tomorrow is Saturday, so I can sleep in!”
(3)sleep over: Stay overnight at someone else’s home.
“You’re welcome to sleep over if you don’t want to drive in this weather.”
(4)bury head in sand: If you bury your head in the sand, you refuse to face the unpleasant reality by pretending that the situation doesn’t exist.
It’s no good burying your head in the sand. We’ve got a problem on our hands.

In this article, I try to appropriate use 4 phrasal verbs(No.1~4) in this article which I write my daily life and thoughts because I’m learning English. This is one of writing training.
