8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning

I Was Fined


When I was younger, was fined several times. Once, I didn’t stop at a stop sign, because I didn’t realize it. The fine was 7,000 yen. Another time, the police caught me because I was more than 10 km over the speed limit in a rural area. Another time, I forgot to wear my seatbelt… but, these days I don’t drive, so those days are over.

However, I had to pay a 5,000 yen fine last Sunday because I illegally parked my bike. This mistake surprised and disappointed me. “I beat around the bush writing about this experience. I shouldn’t back down from this experience and back away from my mistakes so I can (1)avail myself of an opportunity to learn.” I thought that and wrote this thing in Japanese. I will translate the article into English someday.

Before the Revision

Title: I paid the fine

When I was younger, I paid the fine several times. I didn’t stop the car on the line of a temporary stop, because I didn’t realize it. The fine was 7,000 yen. Other case, a police caught me because I was more than 10 km over regulated speed in the rural area. Another case, I forgot to take a seatbelt… but, these days I don’t drive the car, thus it’s already past memories.

However, I had to pay the fine 5,000 yen last Sunday because I parked illegally my bike in the parking place. This mistake surprised and disappointed me. “Writing this experience is (4)beat around the bush for me. I need to (3)back down my fault. If I don’t (2)back away this experience, I will (1)avail myself of opportunity to learn.” I thought that and wrote this thing in Japanese. I will translate that article into English someday.

(1)avail (oneself) of
Take advantage of something (an opportunity)
“When the sales begin you should avail yourself of the opportunity and buy that coat.”
(2)back away
Move backwards, in fear or dislike
“When he saw the dog, he backed away.”
(3)back down:
Withdraw; concede defeat.
“Local authorities backed down on their plans to demolish the cinema.”
(4)beat around the bush:
This expression is used to tell someone to say what they have to say, clearly and directly, even if it is unpleasant.
Stop beating around the bush. Just tell me what has been decided!
