6. やってみよう Lifestyle8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective7. 学び Learning

07.Why Couldn’t Anybody Save Her?10.11.2017

6. やってみよう Lifestyle

Self-esteem or self-confidence is important if we are not to be overwhelmed in the real world.
Ester Gould is a documentary film director and “A strange love affair with ego” is one of her representative work.
This documentary’s subject is her elder sister Rowan who committed suicide at 35 in 2007. Ester had been fascinated with (by in here means Rowan did something to make Ester fascinated with her. With means she didn’t do anything and Ester normally became fascinated) Rowan since she was a child. Rowan had a strong belief of her special talents for no apparent reason. This was the case why Ester was not able to foretell Rowan’s unhappy ending. Ester suggested the audience think about the following theme’s: “What is a healthy Ego?” “Why are we fascinated by success, fame, and spotlights?”
I had the chance to ask her some questions when I visited the 2017 Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival or YIDFF (the whole name always comes first before the acronym).
After the screening, the organizer prepared a discussion time in the lobby in the theater.
Twenty to Twenty five people attended, and 3 men and 3 women asked questions related to her work. I had one question, unfortunately, we ran out of time. Fortunately, the director had some spare time, and we weren’t forbidden to use it, so I could ask her my question.
I asked her the reason how nobody was not able to help her elder sister. I just wanted to know how I can save that kind of person. “If we said you’re not so special, or you’re ordinary, that advice only (4)adds fuel to the fire,” she said. “I hope to reflect the film as a mirror to audiences, so I had (3)flung myself into making this documentary film.”
I still wasn’t satisfied with her answer. Most people can recognize the real rigid world and adjust their own ego while they step into it as adults. Why couldn’t her friends change her mind? “Rowan performed her ideal lives to her friends. She never showed her dark side to them, I guess.” “It means you think it’s important to show one’s own real character to other people?” “Yes” Finally, I understood.

Before the revision

Title: Why could nobody save her? 
Self-esteem or self-confidence is important if we are not overwhelmed the real world.
Ester Gould is a documentary film director. “A strange love affair with ego” is one of her representative work.
This documentary’s protagonist is her elder sister Rowan who committed suicide at 35 in 2007. Ester had been fascinated by Rowan since she was a child. Rowan had been strongly believed her special talent no reasons. That is the reason Ester couldn’t (1)foretell Rowan’s unhappy ending. Ester suggests thinking us through this movie; “what is healthy Ego?” “Why we are fascinated by success, fame, and spotlights?”

I got a chance to ask some questions to her when I visited YIDFF 2017; It’s abbreviation, Yamagata international documentary film festival.
After the showing her movie, the organizer prepared discussion time at the lobby in the theater.
There were 20-25 people attended, and 3 men, 3 women asked questions which were related her work. I have one question, but it was out of time. Fortunately, the director had spare time, and we hadn’t (2)forbidden to use the space, so I could ask her my question.

I asked her the reason why anybody was not able to help her elder sister. I just wanted to know how can I save that kind of person. “If we said you’re not so special, or you’re ordinary, that advice only (4)add fuel to the fire,” she said. “I hope to reflect the film as a mirror to audiences, so I had (3)flung myself into making this documentary film.”

I was not still satisfied her answer. Most people can recognize the real rigidly world and adjust own ego while they step into adults. Why her friend’s communication couldn’t have changed her mind? “Rowan performed her ideal lives to her friends. She never showed her dark side to them, I guess.” “It means you think it’s important to show own real character to other people?” “Yes” Finally, I understood.

“A Strange Love Affair with Ego” Director: Ester Gould

words to practice: (1)foretell, (2)forbid, (3)fling
expression: (4)add fuel to the fire
If you add fuel to the fire, you do or say something that makes a difficult situation even worse.
He forgot their wedding anniversary, and his apologies only added fuel to the fire.
