8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning読書感想

Does prosperity make humans happy?


The improvement and prosperity of civilization does not directly translate into happiness in an individual. I’ve arrived to this conclusion when I recently read the book “The Sapiens”.
Sapiens have dwelled on the Earth for 70 thousand years. They belonged to one of the lowest tiers of the natural world’s hierarchy due to their weak bodies. Thus, its truly an amazing success story how the weak sapiens became strong, empowered and eventually encroached on other species as it is today.
It’s a civilization success story. The world’s population is increasing day by day. However, does prosperity make humans happy? Is it permissible for humans to totally rob other species of their liberty? The author presents us with these kinds of problems. Don’t you think it is an interesting question? I’d happily give my right arm to think about it more deeply.

Before the revision

Title: this prosperity made human happy?

The improvement and prosperous of civilization don’t directly provide the happiness of an individual. I’ve got this result when I’ve read the book which titled “The sapiens”.

We are Sapiens who (3)dwelling the earth since 70 thousand ago. They belonged low hierarchy of natural world because they had a weak body. Thus it’s amazing success for a human that weak sapiens getting strong (2)empower, and (1)encroaching on many other species nowadays.

It’s a civilization’s success. The world population is increasing day by day. However, this prosperity made human happy? Is it permissible human to rob a liberty of other species unlimited? The author shows us this kind of problems. Don’t you think it’s a fundamental and interesting question? So I’d (4)give my right arm to think that more deeply.

words to practice: (1)encroach, (2)empower, (3)dwell
Expression: (4)give your right arm
If you say “Id give my right arm for that”, you mean that you want it a lot and would do almost anything to obtain it.
I’d give my right arm to have an apartment on Central Park.

