8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning8.1. ふとした気づき8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective

Why people sing and dance?

8. Trial&Error

Sometimes my temptation can not stop to watch dance videos. YouTube recommend me my favorite categories. It’s like a trap as a time thief. Before I thought that. That thought gave me stress and regret. However, is it correct? If it’s correct, why people want to sing and dance? Is it meaningless? I don’t believe that.

Human is continuing singing and dancing since ancient times. Hence we need to that for living our healthy life. Now I’m considering that I need some kind of treatment for my mental when I addict one music and dance video. (If the emotion was grabbed me, I couldn’t run away.)

A daily life bears down upon each one of us with all kind of stress unexpectedly. But Music and Dance exactly has a power of recovery for me. It might be just my own good excuse for just only watch Video. (147words)
