6. やってみよう Lifestyle8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning

How to easily write in English for English learners

6. やってみよう Lifestyle

Recently I write my blog in English which is then corrected by my tutor on my 25 min. Skype lessons which I began in April 2016. I’m middle aged Japanese woman who is not good at speaking and writing in English. However, I enjoy writing my thoughts in English because I found an easy way to make sentences with less pressure, and more fun, like a puzzle.

My tutor asked me several times how I wrote my sentences in English because his other students also made blogs. Therefore, I wrote this article because it’s difficult to explain without pictures and with my low level of communications skills.

#1:Use google translate
Beginners are always afraid to make mistakes, of course I also feel the same.
So I recommend using google translate at first, but it’s important to use the English-Japanese translation.
Google will kindly correct my spelling mistakes and will correct, and suggest more suitable words.

スクリーンショット 2016-06-25 09.03.16

Google translate

#2:Use dictionary
If I forget an English word, I will use an online dictionary. Finding the suitable word to use in a sentence is fun, like doing a puzzle.

スクリーンショットweblio 2016-06-25 09.03.16

Kind of Web dictionary

#3:Use grammarly
If I have time and am more afraid of mistakes in my sentences, I’ll use the grammarly site that is easy and free to use.

スクリーンショット 2016-05-31 05.15.09


I discovered this way, but I’m looking forward to write my thoughts in English. In this article, I didn’t use google translate because my tutor recommended that I should write don’t rely on that system. so this article might have a lot of mistakes.

Title:How to write in English more easy for Japanese
Recently I write my blog in English that is corrected my tutor in the skype 25 min. lessons since April 2016.  I’m middle aged Japanse woman, not good at speak and write in English. However I enjoy to write my thoughts in English because I found more easy way to make sentences that is less pressure, more fun like a puzzle.

My tutor asked me several times that how did I write my sentences in English because his other students also make blog. Therefore I  write this article because it’s difficult to explain this way no picutures and my low level express skills.

#1:Use google translate
Beginner always afraid of make mistakes, of course me also.
So I recomend to use google translate at first, but it’s important to use English-Japanese translate.
Teacher google will kindly suggest my spelling mistake, correct words and more suitable words.

スクリーンショット 2016-06-25 09.03.16

Google translate

#2:Use dictionary
If I forgot English word, I will use the dictionary on the website. Find the suitable word, put into the sentences. It’s fun like puzzle.

スクリーンショットweblio 2016-06-25 09.03.16

Kind of Web dictionary

#3:Use grammarly
If I have a time and more afraid of mistake my sentences, I’ll use the grammarly site that is easy and free to use on the website.

スクリーンショット 2016-05-31 05.15.09


I discover this way, I’m looking forward to write my thought in English. But this article, I didn’t use google translate because my tutor recommend me that I should write don’t rely on that system. so I’m might this article have a lot of mistakes.
