8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning

Egoism in Politics


I’m so disappointed with the result where Mr. Abe won in the LDP presidential election last September 20th 2018. He (3)showed off his large amount of votes, where he won by a landslide. (Abe 553,000: Ishiba 254,000) An LDP president is only supposed to have one term of 3 years in his tenure. Mr. Abe has already passed 6 years. Now his tenure was just decided to continue for another 3 years. The LDP is Japan’s current Ruling party, thus being the LDP president equals to being the prime minister. I’m simply curious why LDP members choose Mr.Abe who has been involved in several scandals which includes a case of bribery. In my opinion, his rival candidate Mr. Ishiba is more suitable for that position because His opinion and policies are understandable and stable. In this election, He seemed to (4)burn the candle at both ends. I don’t have voting rights because I’m not a member of the LDP thus, I could do nothing but (1)settle for this result. Is this kind of election system faultless and functional?
I thought LDP members considered only their own benefit and not of the whole nation when I read the details of the final vote tallies based on all 47 prefectures. People often (2)shop around seriously before buying something but If people select a candidate before the election starts, it’s not suited to use the same when compared to shopping. This decision will define the future prospects of our nation. I hope any kind of self-purification will happen in LDP. It’s no use just wringing my hands — I must do something… but what?

Before the Revision

Title: Egoism in Politics

I’m so disappointed with the result Mr. Abe won in the LDP presidential election 20th September 2018. He (3)showed off his high score, it’s not by a slim margin of votes. (Abe 553,000: Ishiba 254,000) LDP president is one term 3 years in his tenure. Mr. Abe already passed 6 years. Now his tenure decided to continue for 3 years. LDP is now Ruling party in Japan, thus LDP president equals Prime minister. I’m simply curious why LDP members choose Mr.Abe who has several scandals which include a case of bribery. In my opinion, the rival candidate Mr. Ishiba is more suitable for that position because His opinion and policy are understandable and stable. In this election, He looked to (4)burn the candle at both ends. I don’t have a voting right because I’m not a member of LDP. thus, I (1)settled for the result. Is this kind of election system correctly functional?
I thought that LDP members considered only their own benefit, not a whole nation when I’ve read the detail final vote numbers based on 47 prefectures. People often (2)shop around seriously before buying something. but If people select a candidate before bote, it’s not suited to use the same way to compare as shopping. The decision prospect the future of our nation. I hope any self-purification will happen in LDP. It’s no use just wringing my hands — I must do something. but what?

Final_ Number of Votes based on 47 prefecture in Japan.xlsx

(1) settle for: Accept something not quite satisfactory
(e.g) “I was hoping for a better proposal but I’ll settle for the amount you offer.”
(2) shop around: Compare prices.
(e.g) “It’s always wise to shop around before buying anything.”
(3) show off: Brag or want to be admired.
(e.g) “There’s Donald showing off in his new sports car!”
(4) burn the candle at both ends: If you burn the candle at both ends, you exhaust yourself by doing too much, especially going to bed late and getting up early.
(e.g) Scott looks exhausted – I’ll bet he’s been burning the candle at both ends lately.

In this article, I try to appropriate use 4 phrasal verbs(No.1~4) in this article which I write my daily life and thoughts because I’m learning English. This is one of writing training.

