読書感想Trial&ErrorLearning Language

Curious about anger or surprise.


I always enjoy reading Tweets because I easily find that there are much anger and surprise or some other kind of emotions. Politicians and governments always (2-1) let somebody down. A mother’s face (3) lights up when her little son writes a small funny letter to her using wrong words.
They’re anonymous tweets. It’s possible they (1) left out their real names if they wanted to tweet. Somehow, doing so relieves them of some stress, probably because the act of tweeting doesn’t require (4) licking somebody else’s boots unlike when one is at work. Maybe many tweets include some fiction or white lies. However, if a reader has knowledge about distinguishing harmful fake news, they won’t be (2-1) let down.

Before the Revision

Title: Curious about anger or surprise.
I always enjoy reading Twitter because I easily find much anger and surprise or that kinds of emotions. Politician and government always (2-1) let them down somebody. A mother’s face (3) lights up when her little son writes a small funny letter to her using wrong words.
It’s anonymous tweets. It’s possible they were (1) left out their real name if they want to tweets. They relieved some daily stress. Because it doesn’t need to (4) lick somebody’s boots like as daily work. Maybe many tweets include some fiction or white lie. However, if a reader has knowledge about distinguishing harmful fake news, they don’t (2-1) let down.

(1) leave out: Omit; not mention.
(e.g.)”Tom’s name was left out of the report so he got no credit for his work.”
(2) let down:
(2-1) Disappoint.
(e.g.)”You promised to come to the party, so don’t let me down!
(2-2)Lengthen (skirt, pants).
(e.g.)”The skirt is too short? We can have it let down for you if you like.”
(3)light up: Illuminate.
(e.g.)”1 watched the floodlights light up the castle.”
(e.g.)”Her face always lights up when she sees her grandson.”
(e.g.)”The screen lights up when you turn on a computer.”
(4)lick somebody’s boots: To say that one person licks another person’s boots means that they are trying to please that person, often in order to obtain something.
(e.g.)There’s no need to lick the manager’s boots. Just do your job!

In this article, I try to appropriate use 4 phrasal verbs(No.1~4) in this article which I write my daily life and thoughts because I’m learning English. This is one of writing training.
