Learning LanguageやってみようTrial&Error

Living an Invigorating Life


Recently, I decided to (P_3)cut back on alcohol even though my doctor never told me to (1)cut down on it.
It was a natural decision for me. Honestly, I don’t think it’s worth drinking a lot.
Of course, It’s difficult to stop drinking completely because I sometimes socialize with my friends. I’ll moderate my consumption and I’ll (1)cut down on beer or whiskey.
I’m so curious why I wanted to drink beer so much several years ago. One of the reasons I (2)cut myself off from martial arts was so I wouldn’t have to drink socially.
When I was in my mid 20’s, I was almost addicted to alcohol because my sadness for a lost love was (4)beyond redemption. At that time I suddenly felt fearful of my situation which was not normal, so I had to (3)cut it out. Now I’m living an invigorated life more than before because if I don’t drink alcohol I can spend time more efficiently.

Before the Revision

Title: spending invigorated life
I was decided to (P_3)cut back alcohol. My doctor never told me to (1)cut down on it.
It’s a natural decision for me. Honestly, I don’t think any worth to drink it a lot.
Of course, It’s difficult to stop drinking it completely. because I sometimes socialize with my friends. I’ll keep moderate consumption, I’ll (1)cut down on beer or whiskey.
I’m so curious why I’ve been wanted to drink beer so much at several years ago. One of the reason, I (2)cut off from martial arts so I might be not thirsty.
When I was the age of middle 20, I almost addicted alcohol my sadness was (4)beyond redemption with a lost love. At that time I suddenly felt fear of my situation which was not normal, so I could (3)cut out it. I now spending invigorated life more than before because if I don’t drink alcohol I can spend more efficient time.

(P_3)cut back: Reduce or decrease.
(e.g.)”It was decided to cut back production.”
(1) cut down on: Reduce in number or size.
(e.g.)”The doctor told him to cut down on cigarettes.”
(2)cut off:
(2-1)Discontinue; interrupt.
(e.g.)”The operator cut off our conversation before we had finished.”
(2-2)Be separated or isolated.
(e.g.)”Our group was cut off from the others so we got lost!.”
(3)cut out:
(3-1)Remove using scissors.
(e.g.)”She cut out a picture of the actor in a magazine.”
(3-2)Stop doing something.
(e.g.)”I’m going to cut out eating sweet food.”
(4)beyond redemption: If something is beyond redemption, it is in such a poor state that there is no hope of improvement or recovery.
(e.g.) With the latest scandal, his reputation is now beyond redemption.

Note: I’m trying to write an essay which is related my daily life because English is the second language for me. The rule is writing to include 4 assignment English expressions.

