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The Era of Post Truth


The best book of 2017 was “Sapiens” until I read “The era of Post Truth”.
It talks about how to survive in a world where people easily believe a lie or fake news and they are (3)compelled to deny the inconvenient truth.

I’m confused because I don’t know what should I believe. These days there are several controversial political topics in Japan. The Prime minister and his close advisor lack transparency.

In 2015, a young female journalist, Shiori Ito had been sexually abused by the journalist, Noriyuki Yamaguchi. Surprisingly, he wasn’t arrested because the arrest warrant was ★confiscated by the manager of the police headquarters. The manager, Itaru Nakamura helped the suspect because Yamaguchi has written 2 books about Prime minister Abe and is really close to him.

She filed an objection at the inquest of prosecution held in October 2017.
It (1)connotes that the system should reflect the will of people’s actual right of prosecution hence the name, inquest of prosecution. Unfortunately, her objection was rejected. I was surprised to see many anonymous insults directed at her on the internet. One insult mentioned that she used bait and switch tactics on Mr.Yamaguchi. One tweeted their unfounded speculation which she wanted to get a high career, so she tempted him. I couldn’t believe my eyes. This kind of insult and fake information and hate speech has to be (2)confined.

However, it hasn’t been given much thought in Japan. The book “The era of Post Truth” shows several examples and ways of getting urgent solutions. That is the reason why I deemed it the best of 2017.

Before the revise

Title: The era of post-Truth

My best book in 2017 was “Sapiens” until I’ve read this book; It’s a “The era of Post Truth”
This book tells me how to survive in this world which exist people easy to believe a lie or fake news and they (3)compel to deny inconvenient truth.

I’m confusing because I don’t know what should I believe. These days there are several controversial political topics in Japan. Prime minister and his close adviser lack of transparency.

In 2015, a young female journalist, Shiori Ito had sexually abused by the journalist, Noriyuki Yamaguchi. However, He surprisingly wasn’t arrested because the arrest warrant ★confiscated by the manager of police headquarters. The manager, Itaru Nakamura helped the suspect because Yamaguchi has written 2 books about Prime minister Abe and really close to him.

She filed an objection to the inquest of prosecution in October 2017.
It (1)connotes a system for reflecting the will of people’s actual right of prosecution, called inquest of prosecution. Unfortunately, her objection was rejected. My big surprise is I can see many anonymous insults to her on the internet. That insult mentioned that she used the bait and switch tactics to Mr.Yamaguchi. It tweeted their unfounded speculation which she wanted to get a high career, so she tempted him. I doubted my eyes. This kind of insult and fake information, hate speech has to be (2)confined.

However, it’s not enough legally maintained yet in Japan. The book “The era of Post Truth” shows several examples and way of urgent issues solutions. That is the reason why I chose it to the best.

homework: (1)connote, (2)confine, (3)compel,★confiscate
Expression: (4)bait and switch
This term refers to a deceptive commercial practice of advertising a low-priced item to attract customers, then telling them that the product is out of stock and persuading them to buy a more expensive article.
This store is famous for its bait and switch tactics.

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