8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning

04.What is the problem with the youth if they grow slower? 09.24.17


I had read the article, “Today’s youth grow up slower.” However, I wasn’t surprised because it’s already a controversial problem in Japan. Not only the youth but also middle-aged people are still not mature. In my opinion, it related to economics, specifically materialism.

When I was younger, I didn’t like studying in school, but I simply obeyed the rules which common sense persuaded me to because I didn’t know and had no role models. It’s still common for a Japanese teenager now, I guess. Why didn’t I enjoy my school life?

One reason is because I was so passive about everything at that time. I became irritated because I couldn’t easily handle my own life, for example, my relationship with my family, friends, and teachers etc.. The other reason is my parents managed their own company but they didn’t have enough talent. I was disappointed at myself because I had no power to control my life. I really wanted to drive my life as if I was the one gripping the wheel.

Those were reasons I wanted to leave home immediately after I graduated high school.
Tough experiences make people more mature. I think every teenager doesn’t have to follow in the footsteps of their parents if they were both satisfied with their life. I don’t recommend it to anybody because it is my life theory and only my own. Nobody needs to go against their own better judgment if it’s not antisocial. Everybody can live freely in economically advanced countries nowadays, however, I feel it is difficult to resist the mood of the generation. It is difficult to predict the long-term benefits for all humanity.

Before Revise

Title: What is the problem if youth grow up slower

I had read this article, “Today’s youth grow up slower”, However, I didn’t surprise because it’s already a controversial problem in Japan. Not only youth but also middle-aged people still not mature. In my opinion, it related the economics which is materialism.

When I was younger, I didn’t like study in school, but I simply obeyed the rules that common sense persuaded me. Because I had no knowledge and no role models. It’s common for a Japanese teenager still now, I guess. Why didn’t I enjoy my school life?
One of the reason, I was so passive to everything at that time. I had irritated because I couldn’t easy to (2)handle my own life, for example, the relationship of my family, friends, and teachers etc.. The other one, my parents managed own company, but they didn’t have enough talent. I disappointed myself I had no power to control my life. I really wanted to drive my life like as I (3)gripped the handle of my own car.

Those were reasons that I wanted to leave my home immediately after I graduated high school.
Tough experiences will make people to more mature. I think every teenager doesn’t have to (1)hatch up from their parents. If they were both satisfy their life. I don’t recommend anybody my own life theory because it’s mine. Nobody needs to (4)against their own better judgment if it’s not antisocial. Everybody can live the right of liberty in economically advanced countries nowadays, however, I felt difficulty to resist the mood of the generation. Almost human is difficult to predict long-term benefit.

homework: (1)hatch, (2)handle, (3)grip
expression: (4)against one’s better judgment
If you do something, even though you feel it is not a sensible thing to do, you do it against your better judgment.
Bob persuaded her to go by car, against her better judgment, and she regretted it as soon as she saw the heavy traffic.

