8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning

“Digit Ratio” is interesting.

8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective

I attended my friend’s event this morning in Shibuya. It finishes at 8:30. She organizes an event every Monday morning where she finds a cafeteria with nice atmosphere.

Today’s theme was “Digit Ratio”. Three people attended included me. I thought that 4 people is the best number for discussion something. Three people attended including me. I thought that 4 people is the best number for discussion. However, 3 is also comfortable for me because I’m not good at speaking with many people.
Anyway, the meeting gave me new discovery about Personalty differences. It was an interesting theme for me, but other people didn’t think so. Hence, we discussed about what was more important.

In my conclusion, I realized that I often subconsiously decide some important things which were influenced by “estrogen” or “teststerone”. Maybe other person doesn’t realize it like me.

I had read an article “Digit Ratio and Gender Inequalities Across Nations” in this time. The total sample size in this study was 158,753 participants (71,186 women). It’s relaiable one.

Before Revised version
I attended my friend’s event in this morning at Shibuya.
She organized the event every Monday morning where she found a nice atmosphere cafeteria. Today’s theme was “Digit Ratio”. Three people attended included me. I thought that 4 people is the best number for discussion something. Therefore 3 was also comfortable for me because I ‘m not good at talking many people.
Anyway, the meeting gave me new discovery about difference of personality.
