8.1. ふとした気づき8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning

Sitcom useful to real life.


A young lady hit my forehead with her head on the subway. I was so surprised because she didn’t apologize to me.
However, I didn’t feel angry. At that time I was very exhausted and the train was very crowded. Her big white mask covered over half of her face, and her long black hair was unglossy and disheveled. I pitied her for the appearance of her hair style.

Why did this incident happen? She was staring at her smartphone when she got on the train. At that moment, the door closed and her umbrella was sandwiched between the doors. She tried to pull it out, but she couldn’t make it. A young man helped her and safely they pulled it away from between the doors.  What was unfortunate enough for me, however, they pulled it too strong so the woman’s head jerked back and hit my forehead.

Nevertheless, the funniest thing I laughed at was this incident it looked as if it was a sitcom as I had recently watched “Seinfeld” on YouTube. It brought a good effect into my mind that makes me more optimistic.

Revised Version 1
A young lady hit my forehead with her head in the subway.I was so surprised because she didn’t apologize me.
But I didn’t feel angry. At that time I was very exhausted and the train was very crowded. Her big white mask covered over half of her face, her long black hair was not glossy and dull. I felt pity for her.

Why did this incident happen?
She kept staring at her smartphone when she rode the train. At that moment, the door closed and her umbrella was sandwiched between the doors. She tried to pull it, but she couldn’t free it. A young man helped her and safely pulled it from the door.But they pulled too strong so the woman’s head jerked back and hit my forehead.

But the most interesting thing I enjoyed was this incident was like as a sitcom. Recently I watched “Seinfeld” on YouTube. It brings a good effect that makes me more optimistic.

Before Revised Version
A young lady attacked my forehead by her back head in a subway. I was so surprised because she didn’t apologize me. But I didn’t feel anger. I had heavy tiring in crowded commuting train at that night. Her big white mask covered over half face, her long black hair was not glossy. I felt pity for her.

Why did this incident happen?
She kept staring at her smartphone when she riding on the train. At that moment, The door closed and her umbrella sandwiched between the door. She pulled it, but it couldn’t. A neighbor young man helped her. After that her umbrella safely pulled from the door. but They pulled the umbrella strongly, the power was over enough. Therefore she was hit my forehead.

But the most interesting thing I enjoyed this incident like as a sitcom. Recently I watched “Seinfeld” on YouTube. It brings good effect that I will be more optimistic.
(155 words)
