ふりかえりTrial&ErrorLearning Language

Eating correct food is very important (part 2)


It was difficult for me to write. because I haven’t written something like this. but I tried.
There is a list of food I have to eat daily. This food combination comes from the Japanese recommended amounts in daily meals. I have this list in my daily task list.

※Daily activity level: 1
※Age & sex: 30-49 Woman(Men)
※The amounts are adjusted to reflect the amount of food eaten.(g)

Milk 200g
Cheese 5g
Egg 40g
Fish & meat 100g(120g)
Beans & product of beans 80g include MISO 10g
Potato 50g
Green leaves 100g
Vegetables 250g
Fruits 100-150g
Grains 230g(350g)
Oils 15g(20g)
sugar 20g
salt 7.5g(9.0g)

Daily activity level.1: People who lead a sedentary lifestyle.
Daily activity level.2: This level includes people who are almost standing all day in normal daily life.

The amount of dry food is ready to eat.
The amount of beans and soy beans include Miso; It’s a traditional Japanese ingredient made from fermented soybeans which is mainly used to make a soup.
The meat and fish ratio is 1:1. This amount is the upper limit.
The required amounts will be change according to age, gender and physical activity.

Title:Eating correct food is very important (part 2)
There is the list of need to eat for me per daily. The food combination from the standards of daily meals in Japan. I have this list in my dairy task list.

※Dairy activity level:1
※Age & sex: 30-49 Woman(Men)
※This amount arleady delete the waste(g)

Milk 200g
Cheese 5g
Egg 40g
Fish & meat 100g(120g)
Beans & product of beans 80g include MISO 10g
Potato 50g
Green leaves 100g
Vegetables 250g
Fruits 100-150g
Grains 230g(350g)
Oils 15g(20g)
sugar 20g
salt 7.5g(9.0g)

Dairy activity level.1: People always sitting in the chair in all day, no exercise to use muscle.
Dairy activity level.2: This level’s people are almost standing all day in normal daily life.

The amount of dry food is already prepare to eat soon.
The amount of beans and soy beans are include Miso; It’s Japanese traditional seasoning which is fermented soybeans. Main use is make a soup.
Meat and fish are ratio 1:1. This amount is the upper limit.
The amount of needed will be change; the age, sex, physical activity level.
