I bought a massage oil when I visited singapore 3 years ago at the first time.
That is “Siang pure oil”, I thought it’s made in Singapore at that time. But it’s made in Thailand.
I really like that oil’s smell and effectiveness. but it can not buy in Japan.
Therefore I asked my younger brother who living in Singapore now, “Could you buy and send that oil for me?”
He accepted my offer kindly, and he sent me 10 packs of the oil.
I was so happy! I’m using the oil a little by little still now.
I Inadvertantly didn’t close the lid of oil tightly.
Actually I always have that oil with some cosmetics in my bag.
The day I arrived my office, and I smelled strong my oil.
Unbelievable things, I spilled all oil of one bottle in my bag.
I enjoyed the smell, but the smell was so strong for a while, so I apologized to my coworker.
Active Ingredients
Menthol 38.6g
Camphor 6.9g
Peppermint oil 39.6ml
Cinnamon oil 0.5ml
clove 0.5ml
Relief of dizziness, Faint, Muscle pains, insects bites, and itches
How to use
Inhale or Rub over