7. 学び Learning8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective8. Trial&Error

The sole of my left foot has a blood clot.

7. 学び Learning

The sole of my left foot has a blood clot.
I felt pain, but it’s big surprise that it happened.
About 5 years ago, I had the same experience.
This symptom is normal for a person who trains in capoeira.
In the case of “The Regional” style, one of the old capoeira style, We usually training on bare foot.
I’m a member of this style.
Last saturday, I trained 2 styles of capoeira kicks.

One is called “Queixada”. It’s a commonly used basic kicks.
My Legs are crossed and the upper body is twisted.
After that I kick up my front leg. This kick is an easy one.

The Second one is called “Martelo”. It means “hammer” in Portuguese.
It’s a little bit difficult to keep balance in this one.
I’m standing with one foot in front and one behind.
I then twist at the waist and then kick with my rear leg.
It’s a little bit heavy for the front leg.

I might have kicked 100 times.
That’s the reason why I have the blood clot.
It took 5 days to get well.
Surprisingly, My sole became thinner than before.


A sole of my left foot have the inner bleeding.
I had felt pain, but It’s big surprise that it happened.
About 5 years ago, I had same experience.
This symptom is normal things that person who train capoeira.
In case of “The Regional” style that is the one of the old capoeira style, We usually training on bare foot.
I’m a member of this style.
Last saturday, I was trained 2 styles of capoeira kicks.

One is called “Queixada”. It’s commonly used of basic kicks.
My Legs are crossing and the upper body are twisting.
After that I kick up my front side leg. This kick is easy one.

Second is called “Martelo”. It means “hammer” in portugues. This is a little bit difficult to keep balance.
I’m standing to setting on front and behind on my foot.
Twisting own waist. After that I am kick up the behind side leg. It’s heavy to front side leg.

I might kicked 100 times.
That the reason why I have the inner bleeding.
It’s took 5 days that it get well…
Surprisingly, My soles skin became thinner than before.
