
8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective

How to easily write in English for English learners

Recently I write my blog in English which is then corrected by my tutor on my 25 min. Skype lessons which I began in Apr...
8.1. ふとした気づき

Communication is not just language.

Communication is Not Just Language. Language is important, but trying to understand is more important. Somehow I misunde...
7. 学び Learning

Should I take a mammogram?

Should I take a mammogram? I understand that it is recommended that I get screened for breast cancer but reserving a slo...
8.1. ふとした気づき

Fear of bad smells.

I usually commute for almost an hour by train from Saitama to my office in Tokyo. One day on my way home, I fortunately ...
9. 読書会(勉強会)


2016年7月のテーマは「人材マネジメント」です。課題図書は、この1冊です。(公式)21世紀を生き抜く3+1の力 Kindle版佐々木裕子 (著)課題ワークは「これからの人材マネジメントに一番必要な要素は何か?それはなぜ?自分自身の考えを述...
6. やってみよう Lifestyle

The event is a hit!

It was the first time I attended a new event and my Taiwanese friend invited me. My Taiwanese friend invited me to this ...
8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective

The Berimbau is an old style musical instrument

If the weather is fine, sometimes I play a berimbau in the park with my friends. The berimbau is the rare musical instru...
7. 学び Learning

Big one/ small one #2

The next day, I attended my friend’s English book club.There were 6 attendees, myself included.So I decided to go becaus...
8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective

Big one/ small one #1

I attended 2 events that were related to learning English last weekend.A big one and a small one.Which one would you pre...
8.1. ふとした気づき

My wrinkles disappeared.

I’m keeping track of my sleep times and amount of sleep I get.On average, I sleep for about 5 and a half hours.but if I ...