Trial&ErrorLearning Language

English for Journalism: Unit 4, Assessment 1: Rewrite your article as a copy for a broadcast


Assessment 1: Rewrite your article as a copy for a broadcast

Detailed Instructions:
Rewrite your article as a copy for a broadcast, OR write a copy for a news segment on a new topic.

Remember to use:
a. a lead-in sentence
b. short and simple sentences
c. present tense and contractions
d. active voice

NOTE: Please keep a copy of your submission. You will need it later, and there is no way to access it again through Coursera.

Model Response

City Announces New Internship Program

by Eve Nora Litt, Education Correspondent

Philadelphia will host a new internship program. That’s what Bill Wallace of the City Department of Education said on Thursday. High school students can earn high school credit at City Hall. They’ll work with a city council member. Participants will go through a two-step application process. The program won’t begin until next fall.

Bill Wallace explained that high school students need real world experience and something to put on their college application. This program hopes to increase the rate of college-bound high school graduates and decrease drop-out rates.

The two-step application begins in April. First applicants will write an essay about a local issue that they’re passionate about. Drinking water, bullying, crime, public transportation, and school lunches are other hot topics for student essays. After reviewing the essays, only 100 students will brought in for interviews for only 20 spots.

The internship will start at 2 PM and end at 5 PM on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from September to December. Busses will pick students up from all over the city. Interns should wear business casual clothing. Many city council members are looking forward to working with interns. (192 Words)

Postpone the Transfer of the Tsukiji Market
by Masae Shibasaki, Contributor

New Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike decided to postpone the transfer of the Tsukiji Wholesale Market to its new location in Toyosu last August 31, 2016. There is evidence that the soil in Toyosu is contaminated. However, if the move will be delayed, the construction of road line No.2 might also be postponed. Both might adversely affect the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2020.

As a result, Ken Hirata, who is an expert in the Consideration Meeting on soil contamination of Toyosu, at a press conference on September 17 said, “There is no problem at all because it falls below the environmental standards of the subsequent investigation,” he explained.

Former governor Ishihara had promoted the relocation of the Tsukiji Market. However, it’s suspicious that there are many opaque trading involving this promotion. Governor Koike pointed it out, and promised to review the relocation plan as a pledge for the last gubernatorial election.

In deciding for the right place where to transfer the market, it’s necessary to consider the strict safety standards of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Toyosu already have enough of that standards. But, why is this problem emerging by now? Governor Koike is the first female governor; hence, she has many enemies. At the time of elections, other male candidates and politicians carried out negative campaign strategies against her. “Female is not suitable to be a politician,” according to them.

Discontinuation of the market relocation will affect the Tokyo Olympic Games 2020’s preparation. The success of the Tokyo Olympic Games is one of the achievements that is being expected within her four-year term as governor. The problem in Tsukiji transfer is not a simple matter. A lot of suspicious covert intention and corruption, including gender discrimination issues, are involved. Under this adverse situation, the new governor must accurately exercise her proper judgment and determination.

Revised for a broadcast Version
Postpone the Transfer of the Tsukiji Market
by Masae Shibasaki, Political Correspondent

The planned transfer of Tsukiji Market is delayed. That’s what Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike announced last August 31st. There’s some speculation that the proposed location is contaminated. Experts are testing the groundwater in Toyosu, which is the proposed new site of the market.

Initial tests done have showed the presence of contaminants. But a second test by Ken Hirata, the soil contamination expert, shows that the pollution is within acceptable limits.

Former governor Ishihara had promoted the relocation of the Tsukiji Market. But there have been speculations of suspicious trading behind the move. Governor Koike promises to review the relocation in line with her gubernatorial campaign during the last election.

The recent decision has again propelled Governor Koike in the spotlight. It can be recalled that she recently became the first female Governor of Tokyo and was met with smear campaigns from other male candidates.

Discontinuation of the market relocation will affect the Tokyo Olympic Games 2020’s preparation. The success of the Tokyo Olympic Games is one of the achievements that is being expected within her four-year term as governor.
(183 Words)
This is an assessment the course of “English for Journarism” by University of Pennsylvania.
