8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning6. やってみよう Lifestyle8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective

I started to learn a new subject.

8. Trial&Error

In 2016, I have started to use the system of “Coursera” because one of my friends recommended it. It’s a free online school, but if you want to get a certificate it takes a fee depending on a course. There are many famous universities providing various subjects.  I already took and completed 3 courses that I had been interested from 2016 to 2017.

1. English for Journalism/ University of Pennsylvania
 ( 31st AUG. to 2nd OCT. 2016)
2.Classical Sociological Theory / University of Amsterdam
 (22nd MAR. to 28th MAY. 2017)
3.Chinese for Beginners / Peking University
 (9th Sep. to 29th Oct. 2017)

I hoped I would take a new course of Coursera at least once a year, but It was difficult for me in 2018 because I changed job. These days I’ve almost adjusted to my new environment, it’s the best timing for me to try learning a new subject. Actually, I was confused about what should be the only one I would select because several captivating programs were appealing to me. I’d like to re-learn about fundamental history, math, and philosophy systematically near future.  Thus I chose the one by process of elimination. At first, I selected one course by a genre. The second, I compared the time schedule the course required. Finally, I obeyed my strongest motivation. This is the one I started to learn. 

Introduction to Negotiation: A Strategic Playbook for Becoming a Principled and Persuasive Negotiator” / Yale University
(START:5th May.  END:7th July 2019(not firm))

If I can perfectly manage my learning schedule, I can complete it until 7th July 2019. I already wrote down a tentative deadline for the course on my note.
