Trial&ErrorLearning Language

She Paraphrased…


I was so nervous when I had to make a phone reservation at a restaurant in English because it was my first experience.
When I was in Japan, I frequently made reservations on the internet. It’s not required to talk to somebody and you can use the system 24/7. So, I first thought I’ll make the reservation on the restaurant’s website but I had a (3)change of heart when I realized I needed more new experience. (4)In other words, there’s a (1)chance in a million of improving myself if I only do the same things. That insight had (2)changed the face of my introverted mind. When I called the restaurant, the staff asked me, “Under the name…?” But I didn’t understand what did she meant to say. I was confused and said the same phrase. “under the name…?”
She paraphrased, “The company’s name, ma’am”
There are many idioms which I haven’t memorized yet.
The definition of “under the name…” is something has or uses the name of a specified person. I made a reservation there under the name of my company. I have now completely mastered the usage. I’m improving every day. In brief, in my daily life in Manila, everyone is my teacher.



Before the Revision

Title: She paraphrased…

I was so nervous when I had to make a reservation the restaurant on the phone in English because it was my first experience.
When I was worked in Japan, I frequently made a reservation on the internet. It’s not required to talk to somebody and the system 24/7 available to use. Thus I first thought I’ll reserve on the website of the restaurant. but I had a (3)change of heart when I realize I need a more new experience. (4)In other words, there’s a (1)chance in a million of improving myself I only continuing same things. That insight has (2)changed the face of my introverted mind. When I called the restaurant, the staff asked me, “Under the name?” But I didn’t understand what did she mean to say. I was confused and said the same phrase. “under the name?”
She paraphrased, “Company’s name, ma’am”
There are many idioms which I don’t memorize yet.
The definition of “under the name” is something has or uses the name of a specified person. I made the reservation there under the name of my company. I now completely mastered the usage. I’m improving every day. In brief, in my daily life in Manila, Everyone is my teacher. 


(1)chance in a million: A chance in a million is a very small chance, or no chance at all, that something will happen.
(e.g.) “There’s a chance in a million of finding the key I lost on the golf course.”

(2)change the face of (something): When an innovation, discovery or event changes the face of something, it alters it completely or in a major way.
(e.g.) “Social networks have changed the face of modern communication.”

(3)change of heart: If someone has a change of heart, they change their attitude or feelings, especially towards greater friendliness or cooperation.
(e.g.) “He was against charity, but he had a change of heart when he saw the plight of the homeless.”

(4)In other words
Usage: Use “in other words” when you want to express something in a different way (more simply), to make it easier to understand, or to emphasize or expand on a point.

Example: “Frogs are amphibians. In other words, they live on the land and in the water.”

In this article, I try to appropriate use 3 idiomatic phrases(No.1~3) in this article which I write my daily life and thoughts because I’m learning English. This is one of writing training.
