読書感想8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning

Self-Study Techniques


I came across a book which I just have to read.
It is titled, “Self-study Techniques; Sustaining Growth through Intelligence by Shu Yamaguchi. http://amzn.to/2BP9nNu

The author recommends reading 99 books from 11 genres of liberal arts. He explains that we need to get systematic techniques to critically investigate our own institutions or society. We have to stop (2)clamping down on optimization. If I don’t, we will become obsolete. Although I found it hard to believe immediately, I decided to give him (4)the benefit of the doubt. I really appreciate the author because he didn’t (1)clam up and shared his own strategies on self-studying.

Here’s the outline:

4 modules of effective self-study.
1. strategy; consider continuous growth
2. Input; get information from various sources, including one’s own 5 senses
3. Abstraction and Structuring; bring inspiring questions and combinations
4. Stock; Make a system that ensures effectively using one’s knowledge through creative output.

This book will definitely support my progress this year.

Before the Revision

Title: Technique of Self Study

I (3-1)came across the book which I must read.

“Technique of Self Study; Growth the survival power by intelligence” by Shu YAMAGUCHI
The author recommends readers to read 11 genres 99 books of liberal arts. Because we need to get a systematic technique which investigates critically own institution or society. We have to stop (2)clamping down on optimize. If I don’t, it will be obsolete. Although I might find it hard to believe it immediately, I decided to give him (4)the benefit of the doubt. I really appreciate the author because he didn’t (1)clam up his own strategy of self-study.

Here is one of the outline.

・4 modules of effective self-study.
1. strategy; consider about growth the survival power
2. Input; get info from wide area by own 5 senses
3. Abstraction and Structuring; bring inspire ‘Question’ and ‘combination’
4. Stock; Make a system to be able to output own knowledge effectively

This book will be supported my progress in this year.

1)clam up: Refuse to speak.
(e.g.) “When the police arrived, the boy clammed up.”
2)clamp down on: Act strictly to prevent something.
(e.g.) “The government decided to clamp down on smoking in public areas. ”
3)come across
3-1)Find by chance, encounter.
(e.g.) “Julie came across some photographs of her grandparents in the attic.”
3-2)Appear, seem, make an impression.
(e.g.) “The candidate came across as a dynamic person during the interview.”
4)benefit of the doubt: If you give someone the benefit of the doubt, you choose to believe that the person is innocent, honest or telling the truth, because there is no evidence to the contrary.
(e.g.) Although he found it hard to believe Tom’s explanation, the teacher decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.
