6. やってみよう Lifestyle8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning

My Speech Draft

6. やってみよう Lifestyle

My friend asked me out to join an event for beginner English learners on the 25th of January. Some attendees will get an opportunity to talk about their favorite topics in front of other members. I applied because I know it’s good training to improve my speaking skill. Here is my speech draft.

Why did I decide to attend this event? One of my friends (2)asked me out to this event because I have some troubles in my private life. That is why my hair is getting gray these days. I’m just kidding. I’m really glad he (1)asked me to join in this rewarding event.

Anyway, Let me share my 3 problems. The first problem is I need to change something in my book club meetings. I’ve been holding my own book club meeting once a month for the past 7 years. I’ve held it in the same venue in Ikebukuro, where I’ve met all our regular members. I want to stay and continue holding it there, but honestly, I feel a bit bored doing the same routine. I guess you can say that I have felt uninspired lately.

The second problem is I started using a system to create events called “Meetup” since July in 2017. I can create events but I guess I’m not good at writing attractive article. So It has been difficult to find new members. What do you think of book club meeting? What should I do to understand who wants to read and discuss about books that’s related to their own business and daily life?

Lastly, I’m searching a good venue for the event. I used to reserve a rental room which was cozy and affordable, but they have started charging higher rental fees. You might say that I can use a cafe which doesn’t require a room fee, but I don’t want to use it because I know it’s difficult place to concentrate and have a lively discussion. That is one of my commitments to the quality of the event. 7 years of facilitating a book club meeting attests to that.

So, I have beating my brains out because of those 3 problems.
Thank you for listening to my personal problems.
I really appreciate this chance because I could organize my thoughts and focus on my problems. If you don’t mind, Please let me know your opinions about it. Please don’t hesitate to talk to me.

Before the Revision

Title: the draft of my speech
I’ll join an event for a beginner of English learner on 25th January that my friend asked me out. Some attendees can get an opportunity to talk favorite topic in front of members. I applied that because I know it’s good training for improving my speaking skill. Here is the draft of my speech.

Today, why I decided to attend this event? One of my friends (2)asked me out this event because I have some trouble in my private life. That is the reason that my hair is getting gray these days. Just kidding. It’s a joke. I’m really glad he (1)asked me in this kind of useful event.

Anyway, Let’s share my 3 problems. The first problem is that I need to change something new at my book club meeting. I’ve been holding my own book club meeting once a month. I’ve been doing it almost 7 years. It held the same venue in Ikebukuro. and I’ve been meeting almost regular members. I wanna continue it, but you know, honestly say, I feel a little bit boring same routine. I guess I may be got “Mannerism”.

The second problem, I started using the system of event creating which called “Meetup” since July in 2017. I can create events but I guess I’m not good at to write an attractive article. So It difficult to find a new member. What do you think of book club meeting? What should I do to understand who want to read and discuss about books that related to their own business and daily life?

The third problem, I’m searching a good venue for the event. I used to be reserve one of the rental room which was cozy and affordable price, but it changed room charge price higher. You might say that I can use a cafe which doesn’t need room fee. but I don’t want to use it. Because I know it’s difficult to concentrate and doing cozy discussion. That is one of my commitment to quality of the event. 7 years history of the book club meeting (3)attested to that.

Thus, those 3 problems (4)beat me brain out these days.
Thank you for listening to my personal problems.

I really appreciate this chance because I could organize my thought and focus the point of my problem. If you don’t mind, Please let me know your opinion on my topic freely. You do not need to hesitate to talk to me.

(1)ask in: Invite someone to come inside.
(e.g.”I couldn’t leave her standing outside in the cold so I asked her in.”
(2)ask out: Invite someone to lunch, dinner, the cinema …
(e.g.”John has asked Mary out several times.”
(3)attest to: Prove to be true; bear witness to
(e.g.”The number of visitors attest to the popularity of the website.”
(4)beat one’s brain out: If someone beats their brains out, they try very hard to understand something or solve a problem.
(e.g.My grandmother beats her brains out every evening trying to do the crossword puzzle in the newspaper.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash
