8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning

Fairness and transparency


I held 72 times my book club meeting last Wednesday. We discussed what is the best system of evaluating in the company based on 2 business books. Most important thing is fairness and transparency of judgment criteria sharing with all members.

One of the members shared his experience which of he evaluated his subordinate. He spent 5 hours for persuading his subordinate. Because the subordinate person oozed too much high self-assessment, that was obviously inappropriate. He didn’t omit that long interview.

These days, we can see several human resource evaluation systems. Artificial Intelligence will be able to do fair judgment while it uses a huge database in the future. If the system will optimize, a manager does not need to evaluate employees. In my opinion, manager’s most important role will be changing — It motivates employees to enjoy their work.

words to practice: optimize, ooze, omit
