8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning



When I had to decide to find a condominium to starting my new life, I made sure to make it a priority in November. It’s a fundamental technique to simplify and easily manage my own life. I quit my previous job in October because I found a new job in another country. The decision made me struggle a little, but I (2)couldn’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs.
Sometimes I’ve been focused on some problems about my own working environment, that suddenly I realized that I (3)couldn’t see the wood for the trees. My whole life is not only based on the company or my job. It’s only a part of my life. However, some kind of types of people, especially middle-aged Japanese men (1)can’t make heads or tails of it. Because their top priority is work. I don’t blame them. If they enjoy their job, it’ll make them happy. However, my top priority is enjoying solitude and using the internet. Sounds weird? I know, but it’s true.

Before the Revision

Title: Making priority

When I had to decide a room of condominium for starting a new life, I made a priority in November. It’s a fundamental technique to simple and easily manages own life. I quitted the previous job in October because I found a new job in another country. The decision made me struggle a little, but I (2)couldn’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.

Sometimes I’ve been focused some problems about my own working environment, suddenly I realized that I (3)couldn’t see the wood for the trees. My whole life is not only based on the company job. It’s only a part of life. However, some kind of types of people, especially middle-aged men (1)can’t make head or tail of it. Because their top priority is work. I don’t blame them. If they enjoy their job, it’ll make them happy. However, my most priority is enjoying solitude using the internet. Sounds weird? I know, but it’s true.

(1) can’t make head or tail of:
If you can’t make head or tail of something, you can’t understand it at all.
(e.g.)”Amy’s message was so confusing. I couldn’t make head or tail of it!”
(2) can’t make omelette without breaking eggs:
This expression means that it is impossible to make important changes without causing some unpleasant effects.
(e.g.)”Some people will lose their jobs after the merger, but you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs.”
(3)can’t see the wood for the trees:
If someone can’t see the wood for the trees, they are so concentrated on the details that they can’t see the situation as a whole.
(e.g.)”The new manager found the situation so complicated that he couldn’t see the wood for the trees.”

In this article, I try to appropriate use 3 idiomatic phrases(No.1~3) in this article which I write my daily life and thoughts because I’m learning English. This is one of writing training.
