6. やってみよう Lifestyle8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning

書きました!Mid-term Assignment(中間レポート) 仏教と現代心理学講座

6. やってみよう Lifestyle

現在、CourseraでBuddhism and Modern Psychology(仏教と現代心理学講座)を学習しています。ようやく中間レポート(Mid-term Assignment)を作成しましたので備忘記録として残しておきます。レポートの評価基準を事前にチェックして、自分のレポート作成で、どの要素が重要なのかを整理しておきました。これは、ピアレビューでも役立ちそう。




  1. 与えられた2つのテーマから1つを選ぶ(済)
  2. 選択したテーマについて800字以内でレポートを作成する(済)
  3. 作成したレポートを提出する(済)
  4. 提出したレポートのピアレビューを2名から受ける(未)
  5. 自分も2名分のレポートをピアレビューする(未)





Question 1: The Buddha offers a specific diagnosis of the suffering that is part of human existence. Explain the Buddha’s diagnosis. Does this diagnosis ring true to you, or has the Buddha ignored some aspect of human life, or made some other mistake? Offer two specific reasons or experiences that support your answer, and explain how they support it. 




According to Buddha’s sermons, he showed us “The Four Noble Truths” which includes diagnoses and solutions about human suffering. The first and second noble truths are the details of that. Our life is full of suffering because living itself brings anxiety. Buddha’s diagnosis rings true to me. I’d like to share my two experiences related to this topic after describing the two noble truths that I learned from this course. After that, I’ll combine the idea of Buddhism and the study of neuroscience and lead to a conclusion.  

We cling to our emotions, such as envy, fear, anger, and so on. He taught us that the key to solutions is detachment from that. Our existence itself makes trouble because we never get satisfaction. By modern psychology, we already know that our desire is made from survival instincts. we subconsciously search for an excellent partner to leave our own species. we should survive this world and compete with others. we must get food to avoid hunger. It is an obvious fact based on evolutionary science.

Now I’ll introduce why I agree with Buddha’s diagnosis through my youth experiences. First, I had a binge eating disorder when I was a college student. I couldn’t control my appetite thus I ate tons of junk food. After that, I felt guilty because I didn’t want to gain weight. I put my fingers into my throat and I vomited it. I had been that bad habit for many years. I diagnosed my symptoms by myself. It is related to my instinct and social envy. I was never satisfied to eat and my outward appearances. I was completely deluded by appearances.

Second, I experienced lost love with my colleague when I was around the middle of my 20s. I suppose many people easily understand my situation because why there are so many love songs in the world. I loved him so much but he immediately lost his interest in me. I waited for his phone call for a long time and shed tears a lot and drank many kinds of alcohol with other male friends. My suffering increased day by day nonetheless. I had no idea how to solve it. I stuck with his existence and I had been repeatedly thinking about why he didn’t love me again and how to get his interest again. The suffering gave me huge pain in my brain and heart that I’ve never experienced before. 

Finally, we go back to our main topic about the relation between Buddhism and the study of neuroscience. It shows the reason why our satisfaction does not for very long. There is a study in which the neurons in monkeys are involved in the release of dopamine and are in a part of the brain where dopamine seems to be correlated with pleasure and reward. The monkey’s brain had a dopamine spike when the monkey got fruit juice unexpectedly at the beginning. Next, the scientist turned the light before giving it to the monkey. Then the monkey’s dopamine more correlated with the light, and evaporated the pleasure about the juice. From this result, we can remember that the Buddha said that pleasure tends to evaporate, and it leaves us unsatisfied. 

Why do our pleasures evaporate so rapidly? Because It’s a kind of strategy of natural selection that our genes into the next generation. There are 3 principles of design that would make sense if you want animals to reach these goals. First of all, If animals are fulfilled by small food for a long time and don’t search for food, they will die. Secondly, If animals get satisfied at one intercourse for a long time, their genes fail the competition.  The last, if animals focus on achieving the goal, pleasure is what reinforces the behavior. That is the reason we can not be satisfied at all.

In conclusion, Buddha’s diagnosis exactly pointed out the suffering aspect of human life even if he didn’t know neuroscience and modern psychology. I recognized why I was clinging to food and emotion that is uncontrol for me. Both embarrassing old memories do not hurt me anymore because I’m matured enough and I learned how to put aside my desires of instinct.(702words)

Guidelines for Grading Assignments (採点基準)




1Fairness and Accuracy 公平性と正確性2
2Answering the question 質問への回答3
3Evidence and Argument 証拠と議論2
4Clarity 明瞭度3
TOTAL 合計 10/1264
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