8. Trial&Error

9. 読書会(勉強会)


17/08/02(水) 読書会まで残り8日です。痛くても痒くても集中力って削がれるよなぁと困っているもんざです。先々週の金曜に自転車で転倒して右腕を広範囲に擦りむいたんですが、でも、湿潤療法(モイストヒーリング)で手当をしていたら、びっくり...
8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective

If I cannot talk to people, I will die

I listened to the 273rd episode of my favorite podcast which is about the human genome. The guest speaker is Professor S...
8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective

4 Tough Questions

There are 4 tough questions that demand a quick response but also require me to think of things on my own and merge my t...
9. 読書会(勉強会)


8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective

moist wound healing

Several birds migrate every summer in Japan to another country. Their migration is constant because it is one of their i...
8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective

I fell off from my bike again

---Before Revise---I like to ride my bicycle but sometimes I fall off and injury. Last Friday night I came back home by ...
8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective

Embracing my gray hair

Everything is useful to mental training. I noticed a good way of mental training that I have started since 17th April 20...
8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective

Some pieces of stuff were obstructing

Some stuff has been obstructing my blog’s improvement. I know I can search the internet for ideas on how to solve my pro...
6. やってみよう Lifestyle

Beyond my expectation (Part1)

I attended an event which was TED x Utokyo in 16th July 2017. Here are my memorandums.Actually, I don't watch TED on You...
8.1. ふとした気づき

