8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective

8. Trial&Error

New Experiences Dazzle Me

I tend to (4)keep everyone at arm’s length because I am instinctively introverted. It has its pros and cons. One of the ...
8.1. ふとした気づき

How many women in the world use cosmetics ?

We can see many advertisements of cosmetics on TV, internet, in public transportation etc… Brilliant actress smile and s...
8. Trial&Error


These days I frequently use many of Google’s applications on the cloud. Because it’s definitely convenient to immediatel...

Does prosperity make humans happy?

The improvement and prosperity of civilization does not directly translate into happiness in an individual. I’ve arrived...
8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective


10月の純文学読書会では「サピエンス全史」を取り上げました。 参加者から「純文学じゃないでしょ!」という突っ込みが入るかと思いきや、意外と皆様すんなりと受け止めてくださり、無事に6名で開催することができました。ありがとうございます。 これま...
8. Trial&Error

It is based on their instincts.

One of my brothers is 10 years younger than me. I remember when I was 12 years old, I often took care of him instead of ...
8. Trial&Error

10. Always stay happy 10.17.2017

Recently, I have started reading the book ’Sapiens’- A brief history of humankind” (The original sentence sounded abrupt...
8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective

09.How much would this election cost?10.15.2017

I already finished absentee voting, but I don’t (3)fancy my decision in this election. Because I still don’t understand ...

08. Bad Dream of A Perfectly Equal World. 10.13.2017

A good book, in my opinion, introduces other interesting books. One of those special books is “Justice.” The complete ti...
6. やってみよう Lifestyle

07.Why Couldn’t Anybody Save Her?10.11.2017

Self-esteem or self-confidence is important if we are not to be overwhelmed in the real world. Ester Gould is a document...