8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective

6. やってみよう Lifestyle

Having Fun While Learning The History of Ancient Rome

I chose the book for February’s book club meeting. It’s “Memoirs of Hadrian” by Marguerite Yourcenar. The reason I chose...
8. Trial&Error

When Can I Get a Manual of Complete Self-Control?

I realized that I was (4)beating a dead horse when I didn’t make a plan to achieve my tasks. My to-do list included “rev...
8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective

I Was Fined

When I was younger, was fined several times. Once, I didn’t stop at a stop sign, because I didn’t realize it. The fine w...
6. やってみよう Lifestyle


初めて半熟たまごの味噌漬けを作ったら、驚異の旨さで幸福度が一気に上がったもんざです。 ここのところ何年も私はお気に入りのお味噌をお取り寄せしているのですが、「別にスーパーのお味噌でも良いんじゃないかな?」と、ふと思うことがあり、製法や原材料...
8. Trial&Error

My Speech Draft

My friend asked me out to join an event for beginner English learners on the 25th of January. Some attendees will get an...
8. Trial&Error

Why Do People Want Bad Odors?

I was curious why I sometimes couldn’t stop reading some negative comments on Twitter. But I got one explanation when I ...
6. やってみよう Lifestyle

A solution suddenly sparkling.

Last spring I felt something strange mentally and physically. I doubted menopausal disorder, but Trying to take medical ...
8. Trial&Error

What Should I Do to Be More Funny?

Daily routines are important for maintaining my health, both mentally and physically. For instance, I continue recording...

I Read Three Books over the Holidays

I borrowed ten books from the public library but I only read 3 over the holidays. I guess I overestimated my capacity. A...
8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective

I Watched Many ‘Dark’ Sides of Humans

I finished watching the first season of “DARK”, a German TV drama. It was the first time that I heard German after such ...