7. 学び Learning8. Trial&Error

How Much Water Do I Need to Drink in a Day?


I sent the following link to my parents because it talks about an effective way of recovery of dementia.

◎Dementia will Recover

Professor Takeuchi Takahito of the International Medical Welfare University, has been researching dementia care for almost 40 years. He mentioned that elderly people need to drink 1500ml every day and that it is a necessity for normal health. The human body will stay healthy if it is properly hydrated but if it is dehydrated by only 1%, it (1)bogs down with severe symptoms.

Percentage of Dehydration
1~2%: Fatigue, irritability, confusion
3%: Sluggish blood circulation, cerebral infarction
5%: difficulty in freely moving the body
7%: Hallucinations, auditory hallucination, conscious turbidity
10%: Death

“Dehydration brings conscious disturbances, and finally the onset of dementia. The problem (2)boils down to a lack of water,” said Professor Takeuchi.
He said that half of the dementia sufferers in welfare facilities responded to treatment after they took 1500ml of water every day.

Although the article mentioned it, I couldn’t find other scientific bases on the internet. However, if it’s true, there’s no risk of side effects. It seems likely reliable, so I told my mother about it. If I don’t drink enough water, it’s like as if I (5)painted myself into a corner.

Before the revision

Title: How much do I need to drink water a day?

I sent the link to my parents because it shows an effective way of recovery of dementia.

◎Dementia will Recover

Professor Takeuchi Takahito, International Medical Welfare University, He has been researching Dementia Care almost 40 years. He mentioned that elderly people need to drink 1500ml every day.
Because water is a necessity for keeping normal health condition. The human body will keep good condition if the water smoothly circulate. But if the water lacks even only 1%, it (1)bogs down severe symptoms.

Rate of water shortage: symptoms
1~2%: Fatigue, irritability, head blur
3%: Blood circulation deteriorates, cerebral infarction
5%: difficult to move body freely
7%: Hallucination, auditory hallucination, conscious turbidity occurs
10%: To die

“This water shortage brings conscious disturbance, and finally (3)boot up dementia. The problem (2)boils down to a lack of water,” said Professor Takeuchi.
The half of the dementia residents of welfare facilities recovered after they took 1500ml water every day.

This article was mentioned it. I couldn’t find other scientific bases on the internet. However, if it’s true, It’s no risk and high effect. It seems like reliable I thought, so I taught this information to my mother (4)before the ink is dry. If I have not enough water, it’s like as (5)paint myself into a corner.

(1)bog down: Get caught up in something and be unable to make progress.
(e.g. “Try not to get bogged down with/in unimportant details.”
(2)boil down to: Be reduced to the main reason or the essential part.
(e.g.”The problem boils down to a lack of money.”
(3)boot up: Start a computer by loading an operating system or program.
(e.g.”Just give me a few minutes to boot up the computer.”
(4)before the ink is dry: If people reach an agreement, and then change their minds immediately afterwards, the change occurs ‘before the ink is dry’.
(e.g.You can never tell when he’s serious. He’s capable of changing his mind before the ink is dry!
(5)paint (myself) into a corner
