7. 学び Learning

8. Trial&Error

Work-Hour Deregulation

The Japanese government has considered (5)phasing in a new law in April 2018. It’s like the White-collar exemption in th...
8. Trial&Error

I Watched the First Episode of the TV Series “Borgia”

I watched the first episode of the TV series “Borgia”. It is based on the history of 15th century Italy. One of the prot...
8. Trial&Error

Why do they discriminate?

Tokyo Medical University(TMU) (2)owned up that they had been discriminating against female applicants on entrance exams....
8. Trial&Error

Perusal or Rapid Reading

I’ve read several books talking about the techniques of speed reading books. It was rare for a reliable book, since I ha...
8. Trial&Error

Fact is Stranger than Fiction

I like Winnie the Pooh. When I saw the news that Chinese authorities are blocking the Winnie the Pooh character, I could...
8. Trial&Error

Grasping Commercialism

Had my friend not send me a message saying, “Let’s go out together somewhere on Saturday!”, I would have almost (1)misse...
8. Trial&Error

Why I Have to Learn History

I’ve often believed our nation, society and some knowledgeable people because I had no reason and knowledge to doubt the...
8. Trial&Error

I Was Irritated by the Noise

In a crowded commuter train, I could (2)make out what my neighbor was listening to. He looked like he was enjoying liste...
7. 学び Learning

Comprehension Can Be Measured by Reading Ability

“Comprehension can measured by reading ability. It spans the breadth of your ability. Your comprehension of speaking, wr...
8. Trial&Error

I Am Attending Lectures By My Favorite Author

I applied for a 2-day seminar which will be held on Saturday and Sunday in Ikebukuro. A typhoon is also coming this week...