8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning

The Walls Have Ears


I received 4 messages from my friends on Facebook yesterday. They said that my finding a new job (1)stands for a celebration, but I was really surprised because I did not tell any of them directly. The reason they knew about the fact was one of my friends wrote about it on the online group. The walls have ears. I asked my friend why she wrote it, and she said she (2)stands up for my decision to change jobs. I’m glad to hear it, but If I start to work for a new company, it has a risk of my getting dismissed under 3 months which is normal for trial terms. If that happens, I’ll just (3)stick around the new company until the end of the trial ends. Even so, it will still be (4)business as usual in my daily life, even if I feel like a loser myself. Why am I worried about my friends knowing about it? Because I’m afraid of making mistakes or being laughed at by others. Or they might suggest my decision is wrong. It (1)stands for lack of my self-confidence. I analyzed my thought when I wrote this, now I understood it. My decision is a good training for building self-confidence.

Before the Revision

Title: The walls have ears.
I got 4 messages from my friends on Facebook yesterday. It (1)stands for celebrating that I found a new job, but I was really surprised because I had not told directly to them. The reason they knew that fact one of my friends wrote it on the online group. The walls have ears. I asked the friend why she wrote it, she (2)stands up for my decision which I change the job, she said.I’m glad to hear that, but If I start to work for a new company, it has a risk of dismissal under 3 months which is trial terms. If it will happen, I just (3)stick around the new company until the end of the trial terms. Even if it will be, I will (4)business as usual in my daily life, but I feel a loser myself. Why I worry about my friends know the fact? because I’m afraid of making mistakes or being laughed at by others. Or they might suggest my decision is wrong. It (1)stands for lack of my self-confidence. I analyzed my thought when I wrote this, now I understood it. My decision is a good training for building self-confidence.

(1)stand for: Represent, mean.
(e.g)”VAT stands for value added tax.”
(2)stand up for: Support or defend someone or something.
(e.g)”You must learn to be assertive and stand up for your personal views.”
(3)stick around: Stay somewhere for some time.
(e.g)”I’ll stick around until the end of the parade.”
(4)business as usual: After an unpleasant or unexpected event, this expression means that everything is continuing in a normal way, in spite of the difficulties.
(e.g) It was business as usual at the supermarket the day after the hold-up.

In this article, I try to appropriate use 4 phrasal verbs(No.1~4) in this article which I write my daily life and thoughts because I’m learning English. This is one of writing training.
