読書感想8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning

Human has prevailed famine, plague, war.


What are the big problems for humans in this world? It’s Famine, plague, and war I thought, until I read this book “Homo Deus: A brief history of tomorrow”. I (3)leafed through whole parts, but I’m still reading it in the middle. If you want to know humans future, I (4)make no bones about it. this is a worthy read. The author, Professor Yuval Noah Harari (1)laughs off how modern people pray to god or any saints to rescue them from famine, plague, and war compared with people from the 17th century. Because he shows that we can manage them even if we cannot completely (2)lay them off. Steven Pinker also showed similar results and statistics in his book. (“The better angled of our nature; Why violence has declined”) Thus, we have to figure out new human agenda in this generation.

Before the Revision

Title: Human has prevailed famine, plague, war.

What are the big problems for the human in this world? It’s Famine, plague, and war I thought until I read this book “Homo Deus: A brief history of tomorrow”. I (3)leafed through whole parts, but I’m still reading it in the middle. If you want to know humans future, I (4)make no bones about it which is worthy to read. The author, Professor Yuval Noah Harari (1)laughs off that modern people pray to god or any saints rescue them from famine, plague, and war compare with the 17th century. Because he shows that we can manage and decrease them even if we cannot (2)lay off every these problem. Steven Pinker also showed the similar results and statistics in his book. (“The better angled of our nature; Why violence has declined”) Thus, we have to figure out new human agenda in this generation.

(1) laugh off: Make light of something; minimise.
(e.g.) “The author laughed off the unflattering review of his latest book.”
(2) lay off: Fire, dismiss, let go.
(e.g.) “Many factories have had to lay off workers.”
(3) leaf through: Turn over pages quickly.
(e.g.) “Sophie leafed through a magazine in the waiting room.”
(4) make no bones about it: If you make no bones about something, you don’t hesitate to say something in a frank and open way.
(e.g.) I made no bones about it. I told him his offer was unacceptable.

In this article, I try to appropriate use 4 phrasal verbs(No.1~4) in this article which I write my daily life and thoughts because I’m learning English. This is one of writing training.
