Trial&ErrorLearning Language

How to Learn in a Droll and Humorous Way


I finally finished reading a 25-volume comic which is a biography of Furuta Oribe (1543-1615), who was a famous tea master for Japanese warlords in the 16th century. I actually didn’t have detailed knowledge of Japanese 16th century history so I thought the tea ceremony didn’t really (2)go together with a warlord. However, the continuing battles and unstable era created a peculiar culture. Oribe was a droll warrior and tea master, so He didn’t like (3)going without humor. At that time, his art style was extremely innovative. Oribe’s apprentices also increased in droves. He got many famous trinkets added to his valuable collection, sometimes illegally. His power (1)went up progressively, but nobody 4)blew the whistle because his droll personality didn’t make him any enemies. Thus I want to learn the way of being droll.

Before the Revision

title: How to learn droll and humorous way?
I finally finished reading the 25volumes comics which was a biography of Furuta Oribe (1543-1615), who was a famous warlord tea master in Japan. I actually didn’t have detail knowledge Japanese 16th century history. Thus I thought Tea ceremony didn’t (2)go with a warlord. However, the continuing battle and unstable era created the peculiar culture. Mr.Oribe was a droll warrior and tea master, so He didn’t like (3)go without humor. At that time, His art style was extremely innovative. Oribe’s apprentices were increasing more and more. He got many famous curios added in his valuable collection, sometimes got illegally. His power (1)went up progressively, but nobody didn’t (4)blow the whistle. because his droll personality didn’t make an enemy. Thus I want to learn the way of droll.

(1) go up: Increase, rise.
(e.g.) “According to the news report the price of petrol is likely to go up.”
(2) go together/with: Match; look good or combine well with
(e.g.) “The curtains don’t go with the carpet.”
(e.g.) “The curtains and carpet don’t go together.”
(3) go without: Abstain from something; not have something.
(e.g.) “I had to go without lunch to finish the report.”
(e.g.) “Camels can go without water for many days.”
(4) blow the whistle: If you report an illegal or socially-harmful activity to the authorities, and give information about those responsible for it, you blow the whistle or you are a whistle-blower.
(e.g.) He refused to blow the whistle on his boss for fear of losing his job.

About Furuta Oribe Museum

In this article, I try to appropriate use 4 phrasal verbs(No.1~4) in this article which I write my daily life and thoughts because I’m learning English. This is one of writing training.
