読書感想ふりかえりTrial&ErrorLearning Language

Can Nobody Predict the Future?


Can nobody predict future? I thought that was true until I read the sci-fi novel “The Door into Summer” by Robert Heinlein. It was published in 1957, but the author predicted the future and an amazing new world in the story.
The protagonist is electronics engineer Dan Davis. He created the latest robot that helps with house chores. It can clean rooms, wash dishes, understand human language, etc… However, his business partner, Miles Gentry and his beautiful secretary, Belle Darkin ruined his peaceful career because of their greed and ambition to succeed in the company.

Davis wanted to (1)break free from the real world of 1970 because of this betreyal. He decided to be cryopreservation for 30 years. At once, he changed his mind, but Belle attacked him with a dangerous drug. He woke up in the year 2000, and studied history and new technology. The reader will enjoy what Heinlein’s imagined year 2000 would be compared with the real 2000! I was surprised how he described his imagined newspaper because it is the same as the tablet or PC. As a conclusion, Davis time traveled twice. He already knew the history, so he could easily (2)break into Miles’s house and get his own invention back. This story has a happy ending, so many aficionadi still read it this very day.

Before the Revision

Title: Can nobody predict future?
Can nobody predict future? I thought that was true until I’ve read the sci-fi novel “The Door into Summer” by Robert Heinlein. It published in 1957, but the author amazing prediction of a new world of the story about 1970 and 2000.
The Protagonist is electronics engineer Dan Davis. He created the latest Robot that helps house chore. It can clean rooms, wash the dishes, understand human language, etc… However, His good business partner, Miles Gentry and his beautiful secretary, Belle Darkin (3)broke in on his peaceful career because they have a greedy ambition to succeed in the company.
Davis wanted to (1)break free from the real world of 1970 because their betray was hurt him. He decided to take cold sleep for 30 years. At once, he changed his mind, but Belle attacked him by a dangerous drug, so (4)Beggers couldn’t be choosers. He woke up at 2000, learned about the history and new technology. The reader will enjoy it what Heinlein imagined the future compare with real 2000! I was surprised the described detail of newspaper because of it same as the tablet or PC. As a conclusion, Davis did time traveled of time twice. He already knew the history, he could easily (2)break into Miles’s house and got back his own invention. This story was the happy ending, so many people aficionado to read still now.

(1)break free: Detach from a physical hold.
“He broke free from his attacker’s grasp.”
(this can also be used to your previous homework 🙂
(2)break in/into: Enter by force in order to steal something.
“I saw a man outside the shop trying to break in.
“The burglars broke into the house around midnight.”
(3)break in on: Interrupt unexpectedly.
“An operator suddenly broke in on our telephone conversation.”
(4)beggars can’t be choosers: This expression means that you should not reject an offer if it is the only possibility you have. You have no choice.
“Beggars can’t be choosers!”

The Door Into Summer
Electronics engineer Dan Davis has finally made the inv…