8.2. ふりかえり Retrospective8. Trial&Error7. 学び Learning

02.I try to start my own podcast 09.19.17


There are several things I want to try before I die. One of them is to have my own podcast, but these days I had almost given up thinking about it. When I started my blog on WordPress, I searched for a way of creating a podcast account on iTunes. If you want to do same, you can easily find many websites that explain it. However, it is not so easy. I was hindered buy cluttered and old information.

I created a logo of a specified size. I downloaded a suitable plugin for WordPress. And finally, I enabled my site to accommodate larger sized voice uploads. I could almost feel my blog heaving, especially during the data upload since it was over my upload limit. There were many trials and errors at the beginning of my podcast. I would have never finished if I actually did it on my own. My friend gave me some good advice and motivation. The hindrances were almost tantamount to homework which I had to do to train my endurance. Perseverance often leads to adversity, a thing that most people regard as an acquired taste. But I know, “Good medicine tastes bitter.”

Before Revise

There are several things that I want to try until the end of my life. One of them is to have own podcast, but these days I almost had given up to think of it.

When I started my blog on WordPress, I searched the way of creating podcast account of iTunes. If you want to do same as me, you can easily find many websites for explaining it. However, the things not so easy. Clattering old information was (1)hindered me.

Created a logo which is regulated size.
Downloaded suitable plugin of WordPress.
Enabled to a more larger size of voice upload data.

Especially data upload was (2)heaved, because it’s oversized to upload limit on my blog. There were many trial and error of starting a podcast. I had never finished if I did it alone actually. My friend gave me good pressure and advice. The hinders were (3)tantamount to a homework which train my endurance. Patience often gave me suffer, but it was (4)an acquired taste for me now. I already know, “Good medicine tastes bitter.”

homework: (1)hinder, (2)heave, (3)tantamount
Expresson: (4)acquired taste.
Something that you dislike when you first taste it, but begin to like after trying it several times, is an acquired taste.
Tony has always loved olives, but for me it was an acquired taste.
