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Why didn’t I search classical music?


Why didn’t I search classical music?
I decided to quit “Apple Music” at the end of this month because I realized I’m not a music lover.
The monthly regular payment plan is 980yen per month in Japan. If I continued it, I can freely download my favorites. I guess it’s affordable, not so expensive depend on the person.
But, in my case…It’s not suitable.
Anyway, That’s sunk cost bias. I downloaded several albums last night, 28th April.
I remembered I love Bach, especially “Cello Suites” when I was a kid.

【Before Revise】
Why didn’t I search classical music?
I decided to quit “Apple Music” at the end of this month because I realized I’m not a music lover.
It monthly regular payment plan, 980yen per month in Japan. If I continued it, I can freely download my favorites. I guess it’s affordable, not so expensive depend on the person.
But, in my case…It not suitable.
Anyway, I noticed my sunk cost bias. ‘cos, I downloaded several albums last night, 28th April.
I remembered I love Bach, especially “Cello Suites” when I was a kid.
ムスティスラフ・ロストロポーヴィチ – Bach: Cello Suites
バッハ:無伴奏チェロ組曲(全6曲)ムスティスラフ・ロストロポーヴィチ (アーティスト, 演奏)
